⚠️Before We start⚠️

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I'd like to start off by saying the pictures used in the cover aren't mine, I put two amazing artworks together, both drawn by @inspiredrawAW

I also do not own any of the characters in this story they are all egos of Jacksepticeye and Markiplier, just written in my version of what I imagine them to be.

Please do comment, they always keep me motivated.

But please don't send me private messages if you are upset with something, I have written this purely for entertainment and I do not write things that are intended to target or hurt people personally.

Warnings I'd like to add just in case:
-Swearing or other forms of hate speech
-mention of sexual themes
....And turtle abuse (not actual turtles 👀)

Pls enjoy the book and thank you
~Dogerman123 🍪🐢✨

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