Chapter 11

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*Anti's POV*

"Fuck my head hurts." I groaned as I stirred awake. I opened my eyes, finding myself strapped to a chair in the middle of an empty room. My brain buzzed like a warning sign, I could basically smell the smelt like a dead rat or something.

"Ah, he's awake!"

I winced at the loud sound and bright light that was forced into my view. Thats when I saw my captors, Deceit and Imagination right in front of me with evil smiles and a mace for some reason.

"What shall we do with him." Janus spoke aloud with his calm sly voice.

"Stick bamboo under his fingernails? Play laser tag with real lasers! Chop off his-

"Thank you Remus, but that won't be necessary."

I glared as Deceit walked into my view, grabbing my chin to get a better look. I tried to attack, but I was restrained too well to my seat. I had to admit it I was impressed.

"I gotta hand it to you. You're good at bondage."

"Thank you. I've been practicing." Remus admitted boldly. "It's all about location. You gotta know where-


The green side pouted and folded his arms, sitting back as Janus continued.

"Now. What to do with you...ooh I have an idea. How about some...imaginative thinking."

I gasped as something cold snaked around my leg. What the hell was- Aw, how cute!

"Awe look at the lil baby." I cooed, giggling as it slithered onto my lap.

"You're not afraid of snakes?" Janus asked.

"Why would I be? It's so cute. Dark would hate you, yes he would, yes he would."

"Well what are you afraid off?"

"I dunno, a circle? Everyone seems to like that joke."

The dark side stomped towards me and took the snake away. He gave it to Remus who made it disappear into nothing, giving me a look before whispering in Janus's ear. Janus smiled as Remus placed something into his. The yellow side gracefully walked back to me, revealing my torture. My eyes widened at the sight, if there was anything I hated in this world it was that creature sitting in Janus's hands.

"No please! Anything else!" I cried, trying to move away.

"What's wrong?" Janus asked. "Afraid of a little spider?"

I held my breath as it was placed onto my leg, slowly crawling up my stomach. I was relieved Jackie's suit was skin tight in that moment, but the fact it was crawling towards my face...I would die right there if I could.

"Awe don't be scared. Remus hasn't even found your worst fears."

The green side chuckled as his hands went over my head, bringing out my intrusive thoughts. Just don't think of anything , just don't think of anything! Especially not- Oh no.

*no ones POV*

Janus smiled as Anti started to scream, frightened by what was before him. The two sides watched as he struggled in his seat, begging for whatever he saw to get away.

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