Chapter 1

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It was a rough day for the Septics and they were all on their way home or at home in the worst possible mood. Henrick was driving home from work, Chase was in the passenger's seat, Anti was covered in blood and was being forced home by Jackie, Marvin was stomping down the stair case to set the table, Jameson was furiously making dinner and Robbie was in the living room scribbling on a page in anger.

Soon everyone who wasnt home bursted through the door and marched to the kitchen to grab a plate, taking a seat at the dining room - except for Anti who marched to the living room to take Robbie to the table first. Once everyone was seated Jameson placed down Anti and Robbie's plates then sat down to fold his arms like the rest of them.

The room was silent as they glared at one another. It was a good ten minutes before someone said something and that someone was Marvin. He took a deep breath and spoke through a clenched smile.
" was everyones day?"

Not a second later the room erupted with arguments.

"Enough!", Henrick yelled. "Lets all take ze moment to calm ze fok down and one by one vell discuss why ve are pissed. Okay? Just shut ze fok up!"

The room agreed with slight murmurs and comments before it came to complete silence for Henrick to continue. "Good zen, Ill go first."

"If you dont mind, Henrick, I'd like to go first." Jackie interrupted.


Jackie gracefully stood up and balled his fist. He then took one step back and swung his fist at Anti.

"You fucking piece of shit!" Anti screamed after being knocked off his chair. "Have i not suffered enough today?!"

"suffered? Suffered! You're a criminal! If anything you deserve to suffer!"

"You came at me! How was I supposed to react?!"

"You were covered in blood! How was I supposed to react!"

"I'm always covered in blood! Look at my neck, it's not confetti coming out of there!"

"I- well that doesn't explain why you ran away."

"That's instinct! Someone screaming "Anti!" With that tone of voice is an immediate red flag."

"What was I supposed to say? "Hey, Anti, slow down for a second, I gotta ask you something"."

"We'll maybe you should of been nicer." Anti muttered, folding his arms with a pout.

"I don't understand, what the hell happened?" Chase asked.

"This mother fucker," Anti started, pointing his finger towards Jackie. "attacked me! I was walking home and he just attacked me on the street! I did nothing wrong yet something had led him to believe I am up to no good twenty four/seven!"

'Why'd you attack him?' Jameson asked the hero.

"Why wouldn't I?! Look at him! He was scaring everyone on the street covered head to toe in blood like he just entered a Stephen King film!"

"Oh I love that movie." Marvin commented. "Guys we should watch Carrie on movie night! Ooh and then we could watch-


For an abrupt second everyone's head turned to Henrick before looking at Jameson, who's face was fuming like a silent tea pot.

'You heard me, Doctor. He has not stopped talking the entire day and I'm irritated.'

"You're just jealous I can speak!" Marvin yelled in defence, making the whole group gasp.

"Jameson, care to share ze day?" Henrick asked, uncomfortable with the situation.

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