~𝓛𝓪 𝓕𝓲𝓷~

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Wilbur was gone when George finally mustered up the courage to go outside on his own. Apparently, he had left in the middle of the night after Dream attacked him, and didn't bother to say where he was going, or even a goodbye.

George wouldn't be so upset about it if he hadn't left his pup behind, but then again, maybe it was for the best. Wilbur tended to abandon things. His pup would be better off with the pack than wherever he was going.

Nonetheless, the act of abandoning one of your own hurts, and Fundy wouldn't stop crying for hours at a time, despite everyone's attempts to calm him down. Tubbo had taken him to where the wildflowers grew, hoping that the colourful plants would make him feel better, but the younger pup only managed a small glance at them before breaking down again, crying for his father.

Dream had taken up the role of caring for the pup, making sure to groom him and ensuring that he ate his meals, but as an alpha, there was only so much that he could do. So, when George finally gained the courage and inner peace to face the world again, Dream couldn't help but sigh in relief.

George was quick to take the pup in, giving Fundy his own little place in George's nest and welcoming him with open arms. The omega would nap with him often, sleeping whenever Fundy would, because the pup had been having nightmares every night, and refused to sleep unless he was with someone.

Dream would sneak into the room at some points of the day, bringing them a small snack, and would be met with the sight of the two of them nuzzling together, fast asleep. In a way, it made Dream's heart throb, because they had both gone through hell and back because of one person, and it filled the alpha with rage. Dream only ever wanted for his family to be happy and safe, and Wilbur, while being family, had only caused a divide in the pack that wouldn't go away.

When Dream walked into his room and was met with the sight of the pup and omega fast asleep, he pursed his lips, and felt a small smile slip onto his cheeks. He sank into the nest beside his mate, offering a small peck on his shoulder, but nothing more. He didn't want to risk waking him up.

Lying beside George was Fundy, and between the two of them was Aster, who was wide awake despite the others being asleep. Dream gave his daughter a cheeky grin, pulling a funny face at the pup, and she giggled quietly, hands outstretched for her dad. Dream gladly scooped her up, throwing her into the air and grinning happily up at her, and she smiled back, eyes wide open.

Dream was flat on his back, his arms extended and holding his pup, but he brought her closer when she giggled again, inspecting her cute little face and her now coloured eyes. Dream hadn't realised that her eye colour had developed yet, and peered into them with curiosity, biting back a gasp.

Aster had all the features that George has, such as his dark hair and cute nose, but as her eyes developed, they weren't as dark any more than when she was first born, and Dream was somewhat relieved. Her eyes were all Dream, with no hint of George whatsoever. One eye was a glistening enchanted green, which seemed to glow in the dim lighting of the room, carrying an ancient power that Dream regretted giving her, even if it was out of his control. The other eye, though, was what scared Dream the most. It was a powerful golden colour, a perfect replica of the sun, and it flared when it met Dream's, glistening with recognition that didn't belong to his pup.

There was something living within Aster that was not welcome. A parasite. Dream and George had created the perfect weapon. The perfect little monster.

It scared him.

Aster made another happy noise, and Dream pushed the thought from his mind. Aster was only a baby – his baby, and he wanted to make sure that she had a happy upbringing and childhood that was unlike his own. She deserved it. She deserved happiness.

𝓔𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 - 𝓞𝓶𝓮𝓰𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓮  𝓓𝓝𝓕Where stories live. Discover now