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Blood rushed through Dream's veins, pumping loud and hard and causing his head to ache. Blue eyes were watching him, timid, unwavering, and the breath left his lungs as his adrenaline ran thin, a line of pain cutting across his cheek. His mask was covering his face, safe and secure, but Phil saw right through the messily drawn on smile, staring him down with a grim curl on his lips, his blonde hair dishevelled and green bucket hat torn.

Behind him was a quivering blonde pup, just barely reaching Phil's shoulders. The pup was bleeding from his nose, the crimson matching the red-cuffed sleeves on his white shirt as he cried, struggling to not show his tears, and Dream felt dread settle in his stomach as he looked around, realising that he wasn't in danger anymore, but outside the packhouse in a grass field, just before the forest.


Phil's voice was ragged and strained, panting, and Dream looked up at him with wide eyes, scrambling to his knees from where he was previously lying on his back. He didn't know how he got where he was, but he knew that he must have lost control somehow. He just begged to himself that he wasn't the one who hurt Tommy. He would never forgive himself for harming one of the pack's young, especially Phil's child.

"I didn't mean it," Dream rushed, breathing heavily and looking up at Phil, desperate for understanding, but the older man continued to stare him down. Dream knew that this was the last straw. "I would never hurt a pup, Phil, you know this. Please don't shun me from the pack – I didn't mean it, couldn't control it –."

"And that's why you need to leave," Phil exclaimed, louder than he was moments ago, Tommy pressed to his back. "You lose control, and then you hurt people, Dream. You need to learn control."

By now, half the pack were watching them, witnessing the head Alpha ban their second most promising future leader. Dream's friends were watching from the small crowd, a mix of eyes showing agony, disgust and bewilderment. Dream wasn't sure if their reactions were from Phil's words, or from what Dream had just done. Nobody injures a pup, period, let alone get away with it.

He begged. "Please –."

"Leave the pack land, and don't come back until you can prove your control over that monstrous side of you," the wind in the atmosphere suddenly plummeted towards Dream, throwing him back into a tree with barely a wave of Philza's hand. Wind elementals were dangerous, but one of the hardest to control under earth elementals. It was clear the alpha had clear control over his birthed element, and he growled lowly at Dream, the wind throwing him down into the ground once more. "You don't belong here among the mortals, you demigod. Run away, little mutt, and don't come back."

Dream was thrown again, this time managing to catch himself through using his earth elemental, forming a bed of soft weeds and daisies. He looked up at Phil again, his back and chest aching from the head alpha's violence against him, and the older, usually kind and understanding man scowled, his dark green cape fluttering behind him as he turned.

"If I see you near my pack or son again, I'll kill you," he used the wind to fly over to Dream in a second, reaching under his mask to clutch his jaw tightly in an unforgiving grip. "I'll rip into your neck with my teeth and let everyone watch as you bleed and struggle, and maybe then, you might learn how to control yourself."

Dream never knew that he was capable of being this emotional, and he found himself close to tears, shaking his head while stumbling backwards into the undergrowth of the rainforest, the trees and nearby low shrubs swaying around him.

He broke eye contact with the other alpha, submitting, and briefly glanced over to his friends, who called out to him from the crowd, their shouts drowned by the sounds of nature. He caught Sapnap's eyes, how conflicted and confused they were, and then Karl's, who looked at him with wide eyes. They never knew that it would come to this, despite being warned many past times. They just didn't believe Phil had the heart to abandon someone he practically helped raise. They thought wrong.

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