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Trigger Warning: Mentions of rape.

"I need to talk to you."

George looked up from where he was breastfeeding Aster in the deserted common room, a ghost of a smile on his lips when he heard Wilbur's voice, but the smile fell when the omega realised how unsteady and pale the other brunette was, worry creasing his brow.

"Y-Yeah, of course," He shuffled to the side of the couch, giving Wilbur some space so that he could sit beside him, and the alpha hesitantly took it, anxious to get too close. "What do you want to talk about?"

Wilbur was rocking back and forth, breathing heavily, and he wrung his hands, needing to fidget, and George could tell that he was really scared. About what? He didn't know. "I've been lying to you."

George kept his lips tightly sealed, a sinking feeling settling within his chest. Wilbur remained silent, not wishing to continue as of yet, and he kept his eyes trained on the floor, refusing to meet George's. The action made the omega doubtful about every action of Wilbur's up until that point. Had something happened that George didn't know about? Did it have to do with when Wilbur saved him from that rogue? Did Wilbur do something to him while he was knocked out?

George forced himself to breathe in, settling himself down. He shouldn't think such thoughts. Wilbur was a good alpha and a good person, who had raised his own pup alone. He wouldn't do anything bad. It wasn't in his nature.

"What do you mean?" he asked, trying to keep the tremble from his voice. He needed to calm down.

"I did something bad," he admitted, voice hoarse while his leg bounced up and down. George felt his hold on Aster tighten. "I-I did something bad to you."

"What?" George choked, breathless. His chest felt tight at the sudden change of mood, going from calm to horrible emotional turmoil in seconds. His throat was closing up. Those brown eyes didn't look as soft anymore. "What did you do to me?"

Wilbur sniffed, and George refused to comfort him. The omega was shocked to his core, terrified of what Wilbur had to admit, and he could tell that it was bad if it made Wilbur this crippled from guilt. It made George feel sick. Wilbur was sick.

"I gave you that scar on your hip."

His heart stopped. Nausea swelled within him at the statement, which felt so cold coming off paled lips but burned his entire being. "W-What?"

His fingers grazed over his hip, where the white scar of his torn flesh remained, painted onto his skin in the terrifying shape of sharp teeth. His side ached at the attention, a forgotten memory moving to the forefront of his mind, and he had to remind himself to breathe even though at that moment he wanted nothing more than to crawl under a rock and die. He could feel the phantom agony of jaws clamping onto fragile skin, tearing and ripping –

"I attacked you that winter two years ago."

Fog filtered through George's mind, clouding through every crack and crevasse, and he hadn't realised how close to passing out he was until someone tried to take Aster from his arms, probably scared that the omega was going to faint and crush the baby, but George snapped back to awareness instantly, growling loudly in warning and snatching his pup back.

He fell from the couch, still growling in Wilbur's direction while holding Aster close to his chest, slowly backing away. He found himself curled in a corner, shifted into this dark wolf form, and had Aster hid protectively under his belly, keeping his eyes trained on Wilbur. He wasn't going to let this man hurt his pup like he had hurt him.

"George – wait, let me explain myself, please," Wilbur begged, close to tears himself, and George didn't stop him. He wanted an explanation. He wanted to know why Wilbur decided to leave him for dead in the snow. "I was just kicked out by dad, and I was so, so angry and hurt, and was blinded by my emotions and the beginning of my rut. I know that it's not a good excuse, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting a-and using you, and for leaving you to bleed out in the cold. I'm sorry."

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