Chapter 14 - Wanting A Performance

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A few days later...

Location - Ichigaya Residence, Basement

Your POV

Now that the drama Kasumi and I went through is finally over, we went to Arisa's place and told everyone that everything is okay now. Kasumi couldn't wait to share the news with everyone, and I was happy that I was able to see that wonderful smile on her face again. It's been so long since I have last seen it. Now that it is over, though, what do we do from here?

"Guys, I have an idea!" Kasumi declared.

"An idea?" Arisa questioned with suspicion. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

"Come on, Arisa!" Kasumi whined. "Not all of my ideas are bad."

"That's not the point here!"

"I'd say we should just hear her out on what she has in mind." I suggested, then Kasumi got emotional.

"Aww, (Y/N)-kun, you're such a sweetheart." She said and started hugging my arm, causing me to blush a little bit.

"So tell us then, Kasumi, what's the idea that you had in mind?" Saaya asked.

"I want to do a live performance."

"A live performance?!" We all exclaimed at the same time.

Arisa cleared her throat before speaking again.

"I can understand you wanting to do a performance, but... what made you want to do one so suddenly?" She asked.

"I just feel like... things have been going so well for me that I feel like I just had to do one." She explained.

"I see."

"You know..." Saaya began. "I've been wanting to a live as well."

"It has been ages since we've done one." O-Tae mentioned. "I'd say we go for it."

"How about we throw in a new song, too?" Rimi suggested.

"Oh! I like the sound of that!" Kasumi said.

Arisa sighed a bit.

"Fine, but if we're going to do this, we need to do this right." She said as she pulled out her phone and began to look something up.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"I'm looking at the calendar to determine which day works the best for the show." She replied.

"Ooo, someone is getting into it." Saaya teased.

"Oh shut up..."

Everyone began to laugh, and we began to plan the show. Even I had to help out a little bit, even though I am not performing.


Location - Station Entrance

After hanging out at Arisa for most of the day, we began to head home for the evening. Of course, it was just me and Kasumi going home alone. We held hands as we waited for the train to show up, but I can tell that Kasumi couldn't contain her excitement about the show.

"Are you excited about your upcoming performance?" I asked.

"You bet I am!" She answered.

"It's nice to see you all excited about the show." I said. "But I assume there is another reason on why you want to hold a performance, right?"

"Yeah, it's for you."

"For me?"

"Yeah. You've done so much for me since we got back together, after being apart as kids."

Hearing that made my heart skip a beat. Kasumi has also done so much for me when we were little, too. So hearing that made me happy to say the least.

"Thanks, Kasumi." I said. "You really are the best girlfriend I can ask for."

She and I shared a kiss before the train finally arrived. We got onboard it, and we headed off for home.

To be continued

A/N: That is it for chapter 14 and I hoped you guys liked it. Next chapter is chapter 15, then the epilogue. If you read my update book, I said that this book isn't going to have 20 chapters like the other books. I think the ending I have planned will work perfectly.

See you in the next chapter, and have a good one. :)

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