Prologue - Childhood Encounter

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Flashback - years ago

Location - Stargazing Campgrounds

Your POV

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I have always been interested in astronomy. Every night, instead of going to bed like most kids do, I would do my best to stay awake and look up at the stars. They were so amazing, and I would often wonder if there are other kids out there who share the same feelings as I do.

I really wanted to find out, so I went to my parents to see if there was a way, and lucky for me, there was a way. There was stargazing summer camp that kids go to annually, and I heard that people rarely attend to it because they weren't exactly interested. But I still wanted to take my chances, so I asked them to sign me up.

After they signed me up, about a few weeks later, they drove me to the camping grounds of the stargazing camp. It was only going to be a week, but I can make the most of it.

"Try to have fun and make some new friends for us, okay son?" My mom requested.

"I will! And when I do find a friend, we're going to look at the stars together!" I said excitedly.

"That's my son! Make sure to enjoy this week while you can." My father said.

I nodded as one of the camp instructors came over to us. I can tell that she was really happy to meet me. When my parents left, the instructor guided me to where the other kids were. However, there was one problem... I am terrible when it comes to speaking to others outside of my family.

"Kids! This is (Y/N) (L/N), and he is going to be joining us this week." The instructor said. 

I haven't been here for an hour and I was beginning to feel overwhelmed by how they were calling out to me, and that caused me to hide behind the instructor, who laughed nervously.

"It looks like (Y/N)-kun is a bit nervous. How about you guys going play for now while I go get things ready." The instructor said before walking away.

While everyone else was playing, I just sat down in the corner and watched everyone else having a good time. Honestly, what did I get myself into? I came here hoping to find someone who enjoys looking at the stars as much as I do, but when it came to talking to people, I start to freak out and not say anything.

"Excuse me? What are you doing here by yourself?" A voice asked me.

I looked up, and standing in front of me was a little girl with light brown hair and purple eyes. She's actually talking to me...

"Oh, no reason..." I answered, slightly looking away.

"Do you want to be my friend?" She asked with a bright smile.

"Sure, I would love to." I said, forming a smile.

"Awesome! By the way, my name is Toyama Kasumi. What's your name?" She asked.

"It's umm... (Y/N) (L/N)." I said softly.

"That's an awesome name!" Kasumi declared.

"Oh, really? Thank you..." I said, embarrassed. No one has ever said they liked my name before.

"Say, would you like to play with me?" Kasumi asked.

"You want me to play with you?"

"Yes, of course! It'll be fun!"

Kasumi really does want me to play with her... It is nice of her to do that, I will say that.

"Okay. Let's go play." I said as Kasumi grew excited. She grabbed my hand and we ran off to go play.

Throughout the week...

When I first came here on day one, I thought this place was going to suck because I didn't think I would make any friends. However, that Kasumi girl came through for me and she became my best friend in the world. And honestly, I couldn't be anymore thankful to her.

During the week, she and I would spend the days talking about everything, from toy cars, to the stars in the sky. Kasumi seemed really interested when I told her that I had an interest in astronomy.

"Wow! That's so cool!" She would often say. And hearing her say that made me happy.

However, when the week was over, Kasumi and I became sad, as it meant we have to wait for another year to see each other like this.

"I guess this is goodbye, isn't it?" I asked as I looked down at the ground.

"No, it's not!" Kasumi said.

"What do you mean?"

Kasumi hugged me as tight.

"We'll find a way to see each other again. And when we do..." She began as she looked towards me while hugging. "We'll be even closer than ever."

I was happy that I was able to find someone who wants to be around me, and so...

"Okay, I believe you. I just hope we see each other soon." I said.

Soon, we broke the hug, and we went home with our parents.

"It sounds like you had fun." My mom said.

"Yeah, and it was best week of my life." I replied.

"Does this mean that you're interested in coming back next year?" My mom asked.

"Yes, I do, and I hope Kasumi-chan will be there, too!" I said.

"I'm sure she will be, considering how close the two of you have become." She said.

And she is right, I would eventually see Kasumi again, and this is where our story begins...

To be continued

A/N: Hello everyone, and welcome to the prologue of My Star Beat. I wanted to get this out next week, but to be honest, I was so proud by how well this came out and I wanted to get it out as soon as I can. I hope you guys liked it, see you in the next chapter, and have a good one. :)

BanG Dream: My Star Beat [Toyama Kasumi x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now