Chapter 2 - Reunited Again

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The weekend...

Location - The Park

Your POV

I found myself at the park alone on the weekend. Sadly, I don't have a friends at school because they all think I am a nerd for liking science and such. But then again, everyone at school thinks I am a nerd. I'm used to it, though, and it is who I am.

As to why I am outside and not at home, I was trying my best to look for Kasumi, just to see if she was still in town, but unfortunately, I didn't find her anywhere. I just hope she is doing okay.

"Where are you, Kasumi?" I asked myself staring at the cloudy sky.

After a while, I start to remember something.

"Oh yeah, I forgot my mom wanted me to get her something from the convenience store. I better take care of that before I forget."

I began to grab my bag and walked away, but right away, I bumped into someone and we fell to the ground.

"Well, that happened..." I said to myself.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" The person asked. Wait a minute... that voice, it sounded so familiar.

I looked up and a saw a girl that was my age with short brown hair, purple eyes, and... cat ears? Whatever. But either way, I remember exactly who this girl is.

"Kasumi? Is that... you?" I asked, just to make sure it is her.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" She asked. I guess she doesn't remember me.

"It's me, (Y/N) (L/N). You and I went to a stargazing camp when we were kids." I said.


It really sounded like Kasumi didn't remember me, and that kind of breaks my heart a little bit. On the plus side, at least I know she is still in town, so there's that.

"Ah, I remember! Is that really you (Y/N)-kun?!" Kasumi asked.

"Yeah, it's me, Kasumi!" I said excitedly.

"No way! It's been so long! I missed you so much!" Kasumi said and hugged me tight.

"Y-Yeah, I missed you too." I stuttered a replied.

I hugged her back. However, there was something different about this hug than from when we were kids.

"How have you been?" Kasumi asked.

"I've been fine." I answered. "Been quite busy and hectic, but still fine all the same."

"Oh that's good to know." She smiled. I guess some things never change.

"And what about you? How have you been?" I asked back.

"Things couldn't be better! I can't wait to tell you everything!" Kasumi answered.

"You can tell me right now, I have some free time." I said and sat back down. I guess my mom will have to wait a bit longer, but it is a good thing that she very understanding.

Kasumi sat down beside and I told everything that has been going on in my life since after the last year of the stargazing summer camp, which included me not having friends in school, and my father ditching me and my mom.

"Oh, so your dad left you and your mom, huh?" Kasumi asked softly.

"Yeah, I guess he didn't want to have a son who is nothing more than a nerd who enjoys space-related stuff." I said.

"But he was supportive when you went to the stargazing camp, right?" Kasumi asked again.

"I mean, he did, but knowing him, he probably couldn't take it anymore, so he packed his things and left us both." I said before noticing a sad expression on Kasumi's face.

"You know, if there is anything I can do to help you, you can let me know, okay?" She said.

Hearing that made me happy.

"Thanks Kasumi, but I'm think I'll be fine since I have you." I smiled at her.

She smiled back.

"By the way, why do you have cat ears on your head?" I asked.

"Cat ears? It's suppose to be a star!" She protested.

"But they do look like cat ears, though." I said.

"Yeah, and everyone else said the same thing to me..." She sighed.

"If it makes you feel better, I like it a lot because you know how I am about space." I smiled.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Oh (Y/N)-kun, hearing you say that makes me happy."


"But enough about me, what's been going on with you since we last saw each other?" I asked.

"Plenty!" Kasumi said and told me everything herself, which including being in a band called Poppin' Party.

"That's cool that you're in a band, I wish I could meet them..." I said.

"I'll let you meet them!" Kasumi said excitedly.


"Yes, of course! I have to figure out when everyone is free, though, but it'll be possible for you to meet everyone." Kasumi explained.

"I can wait for as long as I need to..." I started to say, then I took a pause for a moment to look up at the sky.

Kasumi and I must've been talking for a while because it was starting to get dark, and my mom hasn't gotten that something from the convenience store yet.

"Kasumi, is it okay for me to walk you to your house? I don't want you to walk home alone, especially in the dark." I said to her.

"Huh? It's dark already?" She asked.

"Umm, yeah, did you just notice that?" I asked.

"Hehe, I guess I did." She said, embarrassed.

"But anyway, I don't mind you walking me home." She added. "I want to talk to you as much as I can."

"And I feel the same way."

And with that, the two of us headed to Kasumi's house, chatting away like there is no tomorrow.

To be continued

A/N: Thank you for reading chapter two, and I hoped you liked it. For those who aren't aware, this book will be updated every monday until it is completed, then it gets replaced by something else. See you guys in the next chapter, and have a good one. :)

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