The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!

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After months of adventures, including dealing with a money shark, sky pirates, luck vampires, and Greek gods, among other things, Scrooge said they would be going on their most dangerous adventure yet. One heading to Scrooge's own home of Scotland. Specifically, to the misty Dismal Downs.

"Remember kids. No sudden movements, no eye contact, and if yer cornered, the heartless heathens will give yew no quarter." Scrooge informs the kids as the drive through the Scottish countryside.

"This does not sound like a fun trip." Louie says, nervous.

"Misty moors, vague warnings, sneaking out behind Uncle Donald's back. Can you please just tell us where we're going?" Huey asks.

"The less yew know, the better." Scrooge says as Huey and Louie share a look before slumping back in their seats.

The entire drive from the airport to the destination, Rebecca has been sitting with Dewey and Webby, the former looking at the Sphere of Selene at memories of Della, unbeknownst to Huey and Louie across from them.

"Ha, that's a good one." Webby says as she watches a memory as well.

"Aha!" Dewey cries out as he nearly drops the Sphere. "How long have you been there watching me?"

"25, 30 minutes. You still haven't told your brothers what we found out about your mom?"

"Tell them what exactly? She took the Spear of Selene? We have no idea what that means. We don't even know what it looks like. Why get them in a panic when this could all be a dead end?" Dewey asks.

"Because... honesty?"

"Mmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm hmm." Dewey suddenly seems to zone put.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Whenever you want to ignore something, you stare into the distance and pretend you're thinking."

"I'm trying to protect my brothers from finding out something that could upset them."

"And keeping an earth-shattering secret from them that could destroy your brotherhood wouldn't upset them?"

"Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm." Dewey zones out again.

"And, big sis's desire to tell them to avoid such familial destruction isn't important, why?" Rebecca cuts in.

"Because, uh..." Dewey realizes he's been caught, when suddenly, the jeep lurches to a stop.

"Found it." Launchpad says as he has crashed the jeep into a statue of a duck in armor.

"Launchpad, hide the jeep in the moors." Scrooge orders as everyone gets out. "Every five years, the mists of Dismal Downs part enough to reveal the home of the lost treasure of the Knights Templar. Brace yerselves, kids. Primordial menace lurks here, the most treacherous terror ae've ever faced."

"Oi! Jettison that jalopy from my driveway this instant, yew deadbeat!" An old male Scottish voice orders.

Scrooge sighs. "Daddy. Mummy."

Webby and the boys are shocked, as Rebecca puts it together.

"Oh, not a fan of meeting his own parents. Gotcha." Rebecca says.

"Scroogie!" Downy says as she runs up to Scrooge and lifts him up in a crushing hug, kissing him.

"Son." Fergus says, unimpressed.

Downy then releases Scrooge, who falls to the ground. "Ooh! Look at yer wee bairns, finally get ta meet ye'!" She says as she tries to hug the boys, who dodge and evade.

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