Woo-oo! Part 1

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At the McDuck Money Bin, in the board room...

"With business expanding in Spoonerville and St. Canard markets, noted interdependencies C, G, and 5F, we're also cutting funding to unnecessary departments: Historical research, experimental tech, deep sea exploration..." Bentley Buzzard reads out to a bored Scrooge McDuck, who is fiddling with a couple of coins.

"Fantastic." Scrooge says sarcastically, before entering his money bin. "Back in the bin with ya, see you tomorrow." He sighs as he tosses the coins in, before closing the vault door and heading to the garage.

"Mr McDuck." A young intern/trainee sea otter in green polo shirt, jeans, and brown work shoes nods as he runs into his employer.

"Ah, lad. Good afternoon. Ae take it yer headed off on break?" Scrooge asks in a slightly warmer tone.

"Yes sir. Then it's off to the Manor to see what all needs repairs."

"Very well..." Scrooge has a thought. "Care ta join me on the ride back and at the Manor fer lunch? Should make the trip a wee bit easier fer ya."

"That sounds nice. Thank you sir." Ian smiles and nods, walking with his employer. He was happy working here. Mr. McDuck, despite the cold exterior, was a kind man. He knew from experience and from a gut feeling. He just wonders what it would take to bring it out.

One chaotic, horrible, terrifying limo ride later, and the vehicle screeches to a sudden stop.

"Why aren't we moving!" Scrooge demands.

"Mrs. B! Open up! I need to get outta here before..." Donald says into the intercom.


"... he shows up."

"Oi! Jettison that jalopy from my driveway this instant, yew deadbeat!" Scrooge shouts out the window before exiting and confronting the other duck.

Ian stays in the vehicle and listens and watches, curious. The words the other duck says, as garbled as they are, shock him to his core.

"Uncle Scrooge." Donald says.

"Hold up, what?!" Ian is stunned as he then notices the three identical boys who look, strikingly, like Rebecca, Scrooge's great niece. Were they related? He'd have to ask later, though, as more important matters were at hand as they all enter the manor grounds after Scrooge seems to agree to watch over them. Now? Best he give Scrooge some time with his family.

In the dining room, Scrooge is sitting at one end of the table, reading the paper, while the trio of boys sit at the opposite end, excited. Mrs. Beakley sets a platter of sandwiches down in front of Scrooge.

"Talk to your nephews." She says before leaving. As she exits, she walks by Ian, who had gone to put his tools away for when he gets to work.

"Are those three, really his nephews?" Ian questions.

"Yes, they are." Beakley says.

"Wow... How come I've never seen them?"

"It is a long story that Mr McDuck would rather not be discussed. But know that he has not seem them their entire lives."

"Well, all that matters is that family is reunited. I'm certain Mr McDuck will come around."

"BEAKLEY!" Scrooge shouts, as the older woman sighs.

"Or, not." Ian says, as the boys are, subsequently, locked in a room with only a bag of marbles for entertainment, Scrooge returning to finish lunch, Ian joining his boss.

DuckTales: Mysteries of the Pastजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें