Chapter 16: Here

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"You're back my dear." The male said glancing at you and placed his book down and waving you over. "Let me have some of your blood." He said as pet shop got off your shoulders and flew out the room.

"Don't you have any more women to drink from?" You ask a hint of annoyance in your voice.

"My love, they are just blood bags. They can't compete against you." He said caressing your cheek. 

"Well, i did promise around 100 years ago, so go ahead and drink your fill." You said tilting your head. The blonde licked a spot on your neck before biting down, his fangs sinking into your neck, and sucking the blood out of the wound.

"Aw jeez..." You muttered as your body already started to replace the blood you lost with new ones. "Oh, by the way, it seems that jotaro and his friends have reached the mansion." You said as your vision began getting a bit blotchy. "Also, i'm going to pass out if you drink any more." You said running your fingers through his hair.

The male took a few more glups before letting go of your neck, and licked the blood dripping down your neck. "Rest my love." He said picking you up and carrying you over to the lustorious couch, setting you on it. "And you don't have to worry about Jotaro and his group."

"Oh... Okay." You muttered before getting comfortable, and closed your eyes, falling asleep almost immediately so your body increases its speed for your regeneration.

"....lieve... they are willing...lives...Kakyoin..." 

Opening your eyes slowly, you glanced at the side. Dio was lying beside you, with one of his arms wrapped around your body.

"But it seems that foolish notion is important to them. D'arby had sworn fealty to me, but it seems he was not ready to die for me. That's why he wasn't able to win in the end. D'arby will never know why he lost."

Moving around to get up, Dio glanced at yu and took his arm off you. "Awake love?"

"Who in the world is he?" You muttered rubbing your eyes as the man on the ground looked up slightly to see Dio moving your hair out of your face.

"Just a servant." he said kissing your forehead gently as you hummed. He acts so differently round you, it sometimes shocked you. It was almost like he was a completely different person. 

"L-Lord Dio..."

"Look at the wound on my neck." Dio said as the man kneeling looked up fully. Though it's not completely healed yet, it was very close to. Considering how much blood he drank from you, it's condition was way better than before.

"It's likely that if i drink the blood of one more person, this body of jonathan josestars which has resisted me, will fall completely under my control, and this wound shall be healed. Ice... Will you offer me your blood?"

"Yes. With pleasure." VI said. "Please, receive this!" (VI for vanilla ice cus i'm not gonna type out his dam name over and over again-)

And without hesitation, he brought out his stand, and proceeded to cut off his own head, his blood spilling onto the ground. 

"Huh. He actually did it."

"You removed your own head... That makes me happy." Dio said walking over to the headless corpse. "But Vanilla ice... I cannot accept blood from someone of your caliber. I shall heal my wounds with another's blood. There's no need for you to die." He said, cutting his wrist as his blood poured out onto the body.

"Return to life with my blood. With your resolve, i have no doubt that you will triumph." A moment later his wounds were healed, and VI was alive again. 

"Lord Dio..." 

"It truly is best to have your own body. It's immediately compatible. I will leave them to you VI."

"Lord Dio. I will live up to your expectations. I shall eliminate them all, without fail." His stand pulled the man into his mouth, and ate itself up and disappeared.

"Should i take his stand if he dies?" You ask as Dio nodded. 

"Yes. However you are not allowed to fight if the enemy catches sight of you. Take his stand and return to me." He said as you nod.  

A few minutes later, the fight has begun. You knew because of the loud noises and the shaking of the mansion. With your head buried in Dio's neck, you sigh in slight annoyance. It was too loud for your liking.

"My dear, get VI's stand for me." He said as you sat up. 

"Sure. I'll be right back." You said and left the room, closing the door behind you. "Looks like it's a new stand added to my collection..."

"Collect Stand: Cream."" You said as the stand from the dying vampire was pulled out and into your own body.


"Oh. Polnareff." You said as he stared at you in shock. "Oh Iggy..." You paused bringing Deck out, Polnareff becoming more cautious after you brought your stand out. "Collect card: The fool 0." You said as Iggy's stand was pulled to you.

"What? What did you do?! Y/n!"

"Sorry." You said turning around. "I'm just here for VI's stand. But looks like there was an extra for me to take, so i just helped myself. Bye now."


Ignoring the male yelling for you, you returned to Dio's room. "I'm back." You said. "VI died, but so did the dog in their group, so i took it's stand too."

"Great." He said closing his book. "Though It seems that someone has followed you back."

"Oh fuck. Did Polnareff-"

"There's no need to worry. Since he doesn't know where our exact location is. I just have to meet him mid-way." He said kissing you quickly before leaving the room, you followed after him. 

Polnareff did indeed followed you, but it was quickly taken care of.

"Oh right." You said climbing up the tower with Dio. "It seems that someone's leading jotaro and the others to us. Should i go kill him?"

"No need. Since they'll all be dead soon enough."

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