Chapter 1: Welcome

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Beautiful. He was beautiful. That was the first thought you had when you first saw him that day. His golden hair and his red eyes got you captivated the moment you made eye contact with him. 

"Jojo?" You called to your brother. He looked hurt. You were younger than jojo by a year. While he was aspiring to be a gentleman, you didn't really care if other people were being bullied. Although you don't like your brother, you don't exactly hate him either. Even though your father loved both you and jojo, he obviously gave more Attention to jojo, since he's the heir of the joestars.

"You're all dirty. What did you do this time?" You muttered. You were about to walk over to him when a carriage came up the road, and stopped right in front of the mansion.

The carriage door suddenly burst open, and a suitcase came flying out, landing on the ground. A golden haired male, around our age, wearing a blue suit jumped out of the carriage, and gracefully landed on the ground, not getting even a single speck of dirt on his clothes, and turned to you and your brother.

"You're Dio Brando, right?" Jojo said as you glanced at him 

"You know him?"

"Y/n... Father told us about him a few days ago. Did you forget?" You sighed and removed your gaze from your blue haired brother.

"And you must be Jonathan Joestar. And the lady next to you must be Y/n." He said. 

"Pleased to meet you Dio."

"Everyone calls me jojo. Nice to meet you." Jojo said stretching out his hand for the male to shake. A bark took jojo's Attention off Dio, and to the dog, danny.

"See him? That's danny, my dog."He said and looked up to Dio. "Don't worry. He doesn't bite." As danny came running over towards them, Dio narrowed his eyes and kicked the dog straight in his face, leaving danny on the ground. 

"What was that for?! You'll pay for that!" Jojo said raising his fists, and Dio followed. 

"Oi! Jojo, that's enough! Don't you ever stop fighting?!"

"What's the matter?" Your father said, a butler and a maid standing beside him.  The two put their fists down and turned to the older man. 

"What's going on here?" 

"I'm sorry. The dog jumped at me. It was a reflex." Dio said bowing slightly, his behavior from before nowhere to be seen. However, you spotted him smirking while he had his head down. 

"Come inside now." You said walking into the mansion. 

"Welcome Dio." Your father said. "You are part of our family now. Everyone, i own my life to this man's father. Treat him as you would Jojo."

'Ha. He's forgot about me again.'

"Yes lord." The servants said bowing. 

"Dio, this is your home now, live like jojo and y/n does." 

"Thank you for your hospitality, Sir joestar."

"All three of you have lost your mothers, and you're the same age as jojo. You should get along well." 

Having to stop yourself from laughing, you turned slightly and covered your mouth, unaware of the orange eyes staring at you. 

"Jojo, Y/n, forget about danny alright?" 

"I wasn't bothered in the first place." You said turning back to your father, who had his hand on your shoulder. "It's was Jojo who was bothered."

"Yes dad. I'm sure i'd be surprised if a strange dog jumped on me, so i'd understand." 

'Ah~ My dear brother is so naive. He didn't even notice.'

"This way dio. I'll show you to your room." 

"Yes sir." Dio said, ascending the stairs when he stopped to look at something on the wall. When he spotted Jojo reaching for his suitcase though, he grabbed your brother's wrist, bringing it away from his luggage. 

"Hands off!" He said. "No one touches my bags! Keep your dirty paws to yourself! Got it?!" 

"I was trying to help!" Jojo said struggling against Dio's hold. However, the blonde quickly grabbed jojo's arm with his other hand, turned his body around and elbowed jojo in his stomach.

"No thanks!" He said and let go, jojo falling to the ground. "I'd rather have Y/n carry them then you. I'll get a servant to bring them up to my room." He said taking a glance at you, who was watching athe whole thing with amusement in your eyes.

He then got down to jojo's level and grabbed his ear. "Listen closely jojo." He said. "I might be your guest, but i won't take any lip from you. I always come first! I'm number one! No one looks down their nose at me!"

"But i just want to be friends!"

"And another thing, I hate dogs. They don't scare me, i just can't stand their boot-licking. So keep that dumb mutt Danny away from me."

"What's keeping you three?" Your father's voice came from the stop of the stairs. "Hurry along."

"Yes sir!"

You sighed and began walking up the stairs yourself. "Come on now Jojo." You said, not bothering to even help him up. 

After a few days, your father began comparing jojo to Dio. Saying things like "You made another mistake! Look at Dio! 20 out of 20 correct!" And "You call yourself a gentleman?! Where are your manners! Look at Dio, his manners are impeccable!"

It was always "look at dio, look at dio." and you could tell that Jojo was getting tired of that. 

And one day, you sat next to the blonde male at dinner, which surprised jojo, because you usually sat yourself in a seat over next to him. Your father was in his study, so you were free to do whatever you wanted.

"So Dio." You said glancing at him. "Would i be intruding if i asked you why you've come here?"

"Yes." He said without hesitation. 

"Is that so..." You muttered cutting a piece of steak and putting it in your mouth. The room was filled with silence, other than the sounds of the clinking of silverware and food being devoured. 

"I'm done." You said placing your fork down. "Jojo, you have a match tomorrow right?" You said as the servants cleared your plate.  

"Hm? Oh yeah! Will you come and watch y/n?" He asks as you shrug.

"I don't know. Is it gonna be interesting? I don't want to just watch you beat up some random people."

"Aw, come on Y/n, it'll be fine."

"If you say so."

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