Chapter 10: Joestar?!

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"Yes." You said annoyed. "You heard me. I'm Y/n Joestar. I'm legitimate." 

"But how?" Joseph said before his eyes grew wide. "You have the same name as my grandfather's sister. Who are your parents? Are they-"

"George Joestar was my father." You said as the group stared at you. 

"George? But that's m-"

"Not the george you know you stupid child." You hissed as Joseph's eyes grew wide. 


"George Joestar, the father of jonathan Joestar, is my father!"

"Mr. Joestar? What's going on?" Kakyoin said confused.

"Oi oi, You're not making any sense here." Jotaro said as you glance at him. 

"But it's impossible." Joseph said. "Granna erina told me that My grandfather had a sister, but she disappeared after Dio pulled her off the castle balcony at their final battle. They couldn't find the body and-"

"Oh. You mean the castle where Jojo and dio fought? yeah, i was dragged down." You said with a smirk.

"Then you're-"

"That's right. Jonathan Joestar is my brother." 

The two stared at you in shock and the two other stared at you like you were insane.

"But how? it's been over 100 years, and you're not a vampire. How are you still alive?"

"Being born with the power of immorality is quite useful you see, without it, i would have died 13 times over."

"Oh my god!" Joseph said putting his hands up. "I...I still can't believe it..."

"Now now Jojo." You said sighing. "There's no need to make such a big deal out of it. But it's rather weird calling you Jojo though, since my brother's nickname was also Jojo. Anyways... Can you untie me now?"


"Dang. I thought i got you."

"Then... how can you prove you're really immortal, and not a stand user who can-"

"I can let you kill me." You said as jotaro stared at you, and brought his stand out. You stood there unmoving. "Or, if you can't do it, I'll do it myself."

"No. There's no need."

"Then... can you explain that... collar, around your neck?" Kakyoin said as you smiled at him. 



"What do you mean no?! Shouldn't you also be trying to kill Dio? SInce he killed your brother?" 

"No." You said again.

"There's no flesh bud oh her, so could she be..."

"Say uh... Gran-"

"Don't. Just call me by name. It makes me feel old when you call me that." You said cringing. 

"Right... Y/n, could you be... Dio's uh..." Joseph paused before speaking. "Are you in a relationship with Dio?"

You paused a moment at him question before grinning, and pulling your stand out. "I don't think i need to answer that question." You said as your stand rushed at him. "For your information, I've been waiting over a hundred years for him to come back to me, and the second i hear that he's come back, you guys decide to go kill him. I'd really prefer you guys just let Jojo's kid die."

Right before your stand reached Joseph, kakyoin stopped your stand with his own.

"Well won't you look at that." You said grinning. "You really fell for it."


Your stand grabbed kakyoin's stand, and threw it onto the ground. "Unfortunately, my stand can't interact with humans. Only with other stands." You said glance at Jotaro who was standing behind you. And so, you recalled your stand.

"Now now, it's all a joke. Now please do let me go so i can go to egypt alone now that you've found, and know me, i don't need to keep following you anymore."


"Hm? Yes. I've been following and watching my brother's descendent starting erina's son. Oh, of course i also watched you live your life Jojo, your battle with the Pillar men was pretty cool."

"A...anyways, we can't let you go. Since you're heading to egypt, and have been watching us all this time, then it's dangerous for us if you go and tell Dio about us." Joseph said as you shrug. 

"it was worth a try." 

"Now, that we've got everything sorted out, let's get going. We don't have any more time to lose."

Timeskip cus i'm tired rip-

"As for payment, how about we trade for that car?" Joseph said as you sigh.

"Back in my days, we didn't even have cars. It was all horse drawn carriages." You muttered. As joseph traded the car for camels and water. 

Traveling by camel, the group made their way across the desert. However, they encountered another stand user, whose Stand was apparently the Sun. Then, there was this whole ordeal with a plane, which ended up crashing because of kakyoin.

"You know Joseph." You said standing up sighing. "I'm never getting into any vehicle with you again. You've crashed a plane 2 times already, and not to mention that  german jet you destroyed during your fight with the pillar men." 

You sat down on the ground, watching as the group gathered sticks to start a fire for the night. Kakyoin's been acting strange though, saying that the baby was a stand user. But, it wasn't impossible for that to happen. 

You fell asleep before the rest, but when you opened your eyes, you weren't stranded in the middle of nowhere, but in some weird looking amusement park. When you looked out, the rest of the group was also there.

"This is..." polnareff muttered looking around. "Jotaro! Mr. Joestar! Be careful!" He yelled throwing his sleeping bag aside. "I...I remember now. W-we're inside a dream. It's terrifying! This is a world of nightmares!"

"Oh, so it's just a dream. Then I'm just going to relax." Joseph said as you stood up and walked over to him. 

"Get up Joseph!" You yelled just as he was about to lay back down. "Unless you want to die, get up!" Pulling the man up to his feet, you sighed.

"I guess kakyoin was right." You muttered as a stand appeared before the group. Everyone else was suddenly unable to move, their own body or clothes stopping them. All, but you. Jotaro called out his stand, and it attacked the stand that trapped everyone in this dream.

However, it soon began hitting itself with a pan.

"Lali-ho! I'm a fake!" 

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