Chapter 12: High pristess

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"Why... Is this happening again?!" you yelled, pissed off. Everything was fine until some stand user decided to invade the submarine.

You groaned in annoyance. "I just wanna go home..."

"Hey, I can see the coast of africa!"Avdol said as you sighed. "We're about to arrive!"

The group sat around a table, discussing their route to land. "Kakyoin, Why did you bring 7 cups? There's 6 of us." Jotaro said as you walked over to them.

"Oh. You really did bring 7 cups."

"That's odd. I guess i wasn't paying attention." Kakyoin said as joseph went to grab a cup. "I could have sworn it was 6."

Then, suddenly, the cup in joseph's hand turned into some weird looking creature, and cut joseph's hand off.


Then, the stand cut off three of the fingers on the hand that it cut off, and it hit joseph right under his chin.

"Mr. Joestar!"

"You idiots! Don't just stand there!" You yelled at them as the stand got onto the table, knocking the other cups off.

"It's a stand! At one point, a stand got into the submarine!" Avdol said as your eye twitched in annoyance.

"Yeah no shit! Thanks for stating the obvious! I may be immortal, but dying still hurts! Get rid of that stand, and get me out of this place! Horse drawn carriages rarely crashed! This is stupid!" You yelled as you fell onto the ground as Jotaro's star platinum went to attack the stand, which dodged to avoid being punched by the stand.

"It disappeared!" Polnareff said, the stand disappeared into the controls.

"No, that's not it!"

"It transformed!" Avdol yelled. "It turned into one of the gauges! Just it turned into a coffee cup!"


"We're at the coral reef! We were only a few hundred meters from surfacing in egypt!" Polnareff said looking at the radar.

"Mr. Joestar is unconscious, but his wounds aren't deep." Kakyoin said picking up the older man on his shoulder. "It was just his artificial hand."

"T-The phone!"

The phone right next to you rang, and it jotaro picked it up, answering whoever was on the other line occocanaly.

While they were doing all of that, you were trying to undo the ropes without calling out a stand. If they knew what kind of stand you had, there was no way they would let their guard down around you.

Water was starting to get inside the submarine.

"There's no need to worry, Granny suzie." You heard jotaro say. Suzie? That girl who was lisa lisa's maid?

"Later. Once things calm down, we'll call you back." He said before putting the phone down.

"Nice save Jotaro." You said rubbing your wrists.

"Oi!" Polnareff said pointing at you. "She's gotten out of her-"

"now's not the time to think about that Polnareff! She's immortal and she'll be fine, but we're going to die! We'll just take her with us when we get out of here!"

"Hold on! We're going to hit the seafloor!" Grabbing onto whatever was closest to you, which happened to be jotaro, you braced yourself for impact.

"Oh my god!"

"I knew this would happen!" Polnareff cried. "Every vehicle we ride in gets destroyed!"

"I'm never getting in a submarine again." Jotaro said adjusting his hat. "And let go of me woman."

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