"What? No! Of course not. I could never be disappointed in you, in any of you."

"I know - I know a lot of fans were upset with the news that there would only be three new songs."

She held his face in her hands.

"It just wasn't what we were expecting is all, but we know that there's a reason behind everything you do. Besides, I know that's not all you've been working on, is it?"

Namjoon's lips twitched into a small smile.


"We'll wait patiently. No rush. Genius takes time after all."

"Are you calling me a genius? I thought Yoongi-Hyung had claimed that title."

"I don't know a similar word in Korean. Brainiac. Mastermind. Prodigy?"

"Doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it."

"I guess you'll have to stick with Rap Monster then."

Anna erupted into giggles as Namjoon tickled her.

"You spend too much time with Jungkook."


"Yes. He's the best of us."

"I was going to act offended, but you speak the truth. We should probably go to bed."

"Probably, but let's stay here, just a little longer."


Anna was woken by the sound of giggles and whispers. Opening her eyes, she realised that she was still in the living room. At some point, both she and Namjoon must have fallen asleep and now she was lying on top of him on the sofa.

Hovering over them was the Maknae line. Jimin had his phone out and had been taking pictures of his two sleeping soulmates. Meanwhile, Jungkook was holding back Taehyung who wanted to jump on them and join in their cuddles.

Suddenly, Anna gasped and raised her head from where it was resting on Namjoon's chest.

"What time is it?"

The Maknae line was notorious for being difficult to get out of bed, so she thought it must be quite late if they were willing up and about.

"Do you think we'd let you be late, Noona?"

"No, but if you weren't awake on time either..."

"You're fine. There's still plenty of time before we need to leave."

Anna sighed in relief and dropped her back down, closing her eyes again for a moment. When she looked up there were two pouting puppies.

"You want me to cook you breakfast?"

Jimin and Taehyung's faces lit up.

"Yes please!"

"Kookie can cook too you know."

"We asked, but he said no."

She looked at Jungkook.

"I wanted Noona's breakfast."

"Fine. Just be quiet. Although, I guess if Namjoon's still asleep after all this then nothing's going to wake him up."

Anna stretched up and placed a kiss on Namjoon's cheek before very carefully climbing off of him, with Jungkook's help.

"He's been staying up late a lot recently. It's good to see him getting some rest."

As they walked over to the kitchen, Anna winced a little and Taehyung hovered by her side.

"You hurt, babe?"

"No. I did the Workout with BTS the other day. I thought I was fit with the cardio and yoga, but apparently, there are still muscles I don't use enough. My legs are still a bit sore."

"Want me to carry you?"

"What? The ten steps to the kitchen? I think I'll manage. Now, what do you want for breakfast?"



"Sausages and bacon."

"Okay... decide amongst yourselves which one you all want because I'm not cooking three different things."

Anna got herself a drink as the boys argued. As she watched them, she saw Jin walk in behind them. Her oldest soulmate walked around to her side of the counter and wrapped her up in a hug, pressing his face into her neck.

"What are they arguing about?

"What to have for breakfast. What do you want?"

She felt Jin hum against her neck before pressing a kiss beneath her ear.



"Hey, you two, get a room!"

"After you cook our breakfast!"

Jin raised his head and looked over Anna's shoulder at his younger soulmates with a raised eyebrow.

"Or don't?"

"Sorry, Jin-Hyung."

Before he could retort, there was a loud grumble.

"Looks like Noona's hungry too!"

Jin stood up straight and Anna smiled sheepishly at him. With a sigh, he placed a kiss on her lips before smiling back.

"Come on then. Hun, you do the pancakes. I'll do the omelettes. Jungkookie can cook the meat."


As Jimin and Taehyung cheered, Jungkook shuffled around the counter to join the cooks. Jin took one look at the Maknae's pouty lips and kissed him too.

"Thank you, darling. I'll reward you later."

Jungkook blushed but was smiling as he went about helping cook breakfast.

Jimin leaned on the counter as he watched his soulmates cook for them.

"Anna, your TikTok has been blowing up!"

"That's because Noona's down with the kids."

"Are you calling us old, Kookie?"

Jungkook looked up with an innocent expression.

"What? I'd never do that, Jin-Hyung."

"So, what are you going to post next?"

"Good Boy Gone Bad."


"Maybe one of us should do it with you?"

"Please do it with Namjoon-Hyung."

"Do what with me?"

Namjoon walked in sleepily, ruffling his hair.

"Noona wants you to do a TikTok with her."

"A what?"

"TikTok dance."

"Well, now I know you're lying."

"What, you mean you wouldn't do it with her if she asked?"

"I, er, well, I didn't say that..."

Anna laughed at Namjoon's worried expression.

"Don't worry, Joonie. You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"For you, my love, I'd do anything."

"Even dance when you don't have to."

"Even dancing. It's cool, you know, but you know what's cooler -"

Everyone shouted out the answer.


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