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I was excited for the trip, just that I realized I automatically dulled when I realized Thun was coming too and we were rooming together. Thought Lam and I would room together but erm, now it was a trio.

I realized I had really enjoyed my weekend with Lam. It was really unlike me; I had just missed him and wanted to see him for a bit. But I ended up staying the weekend, something that I don't do even with Beam and Kit but nobody has to know.

We all met up together at my dorm and split into 2 cars and a bike. Forth drove Beam, Ming and Kit whilst I offered to drive Park and Wai. But since my car wasn't big enough, I couldn't host Lam since Thun was there too. Lam and Thun decided to come by bike.

We all reached the beach around 11am after setting off at around 8.30am. Once we got there, we parked our things in the cottages before setting out to go to the beach. It was really fun. I spent some quality time with Beam and Kit chilling at the cafe whilst the Engineering boys went mad in the waters. I caught Lam and Thun taking a walk together by themselves. Didn't realize it that I was frowning until Kit called me out on it.

"What's with you and Lam by the way? Didn't realize you guys were awfully close.."

"Haha, nothing like that. We aren't close.. just friends.. "

"Friends who spend the weekend in the other's dorm? Never seen you do that with us.."

I just stared at my boys who caught me red handed. My face started to blush. I looked down at my hands, unsure on how to answer them.

Beam then said, "It's nothing wrong to like guys, you know. I know you got nothing against gay relationships given we are in one and you totally accept us for who we are. Why are you denying yourself that?".

"I don like Lam like that. He's just a good friend."

Beam smirked at me, "I didn't say anything about Lam.". I totally blushed when Beam caught me out like that.

"I don't. He's a friend. That's all. Anyways he has Thun. Look at them, all close and chummy."

"Stop sounding so jealous Pha. He's just a Nong to Lam. Look at them, Lam is literally treating him like how he treats me and Beam, just like a brother."

I kept quiet, unable to deny my jealousy though i was also confused on why I was feeling this way.

"It's because you like him. You do like him. You just spent an entire weekend in his place and that's not even your style. You get jealous over him being close with Thun. It's not the fact that he is close to someone, it's just that you see Thun as competition. Why is it so hard for you to acknowledge your feelings?"

I just stared at Beam who had totally caught me voicing my thoughts out loud.

"I don like him. I don like guys. I like girls. I always do. I'm just probably..."

"Seriously Pha? Are you even for real?"

"Can we drop this already!?!"

I stood up, groaned in frustration and walked away. Since the boys were busy, nobody noticed anything. I thought nobody did, but I didn't realize Lam was watching everything.

Take My Heart, will you? (PHAXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now