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I woke up and realized that Lam was missing. There was a note on the table; "Went to buy breakfast. Will be right back." There were some clothes next to it with a towel and toiletries. I took a shower and decided to bring the laundry bag to the laundromat, as I saw that Lam had not done his laundry yet. I completed the cycle and got back to the dorm 30 minutes later.

Lam was hovering around in the kitchen. "Hey Lam, I am back."

"Oh my god, you gave me a heart attack. I thought you decided to leave. Where did you go?"

"Hahaha, sorry, I thought of doing laundry for us. Forgot to bring my phone so couldn't text. I wouldn't leave just like that Lam, you were off buying food for us, right?".

I saw a tinge of blush creep up his face. My own face started feeling abit red. I coughed to break the awkwardness and turned away to go put the clean clothes on the couch so he can keep it away later. I discreetly watched Lam as he prepped the breakfast for us. Just then I heard knocking on the door.

"Hey, get that for me please?" I nodded my head and went to do so. A guy was standing outside, he waiied to me and asked for Lam. I beckoned him to come in. "P Lam!" I saw Lam turn around and for the first time, I saw his eyes light up and smile.

"Nong, what are you doing here?!"

"I just enrolled, starting first semester next month."

"That's great, which faculty? By the way, this is Pha. Pha, this is my neighbour's kid Thun. We practically grew up next to each other though he is a year younger."

"Hello P Pha. Nice to meet you. Im in Law, P Lam. I wanted to come surprise you for breakfast today but looks like you have plans."

"Ah yes, I am having breakfast with Pha. But you are free to join us, that's ok right Pha?"

I coughed upon hearing that. I had zoned out abit, watching this newly friendly Lam with his Nong and a weird feeling creeping up. I nodded and invited Thun to join us too. We sat down and had breakfast together. Thun seemed awfully chummy with Lam, occasionally giving him food, touching his arm, laughing at whatever Lam says. I nearly rolled my eyes but held it back. The clincher was when Thun carefully wiped Lam's mouth for him and this Lam let him do it. I was annoyed, "Thun, Lam can do it himself you know. He isn't a child."

Lam stared at me in shock. Thun apologized profusely. But Lam stopped him. "Pha, Thun is like my little brother. Don't be silly. Wouldn't you let your siblings do this for you too?"

My face turned red being chastised by Lam. I apologized to Thun who waved it off sweetly making me seem even more like an ass. I really don't know what overcame me to speak like that. So, unlike me. I just watched this pair quietly for the rest of breakfast. Thun offered to wash up and chased us away firmly. Lam went to keep his clothes away whilst I went to the balcony for a bit. What was I doing, spending a weekend at a guy's place, especially when I knew there was this school scandal going on? And for some reason, I couldn't keep away from him. For someone who is just my friend, I spend a lot of time at his place and there was no reason for me to. I am just surprised Lam hasn't called me out on it yet. Maybe he didn't realize it?

"Are you ok? You seemed angsty." I heard Lam. I turned around to him and nodded my head.

"I am ok, I am sorry I behaved so childishly. It's really unlike me."

"It's ok. Just that Thun is my favorite nong so I didn't like the way you spoke to him. No reason to, you know?"

I nodded my head. I apologised again. I was about to tell Lam that I would make my move when Thun came over.

"P Lam, I'm going off first. I want to check out my dorm. I see you next week ok? Bye P Pha. It was nice meeting you."

I nodded and waiied back to Thun.

"I drop him off at the lobby and come back, ok?" Lam told me. I nodded my head in agreement and watched them go. I went in to sit on the bed and just catch up on a show whilst waiting for Lam to come back. I figured I make a move once he was back.

Well he came back, but I didn't end up leaving either. We ended up watching shows, he cooked lunch for us, we played some computer games, finally I did some studying whilst he did dinner and I ended up sleeping over again.

I only left on Sunday afternoon and that too because I realized I needed to prep for Monday. Only when I went home, it hit me that I had just spent an entire weekend with Lam, like a couple.

Take My Heart, will you? (PHAXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz