CHAPTER 10- rome

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as soon as we landed in italy oophelia started talking how beautiful italy is blah blah blah.

my men already booked a hotel near Piazza del Duomo, 56126 Pisa PI, Italy. riaza and oophelia were going crazy because our hotel is close to the leaning tower of pisa gosh.

me and nex sat in one car and oophelia was with the bodygaurds and other assasin's. as for riaza she went to rome from here only.

"where did astrae grow up do you know?" nex asked me

"no" yes. tuscany

"god idk how we are going to find her dude" nex said sighting "we will dont worry i have a men in her mafia." i said reassuring him

"we can find her tommorow she is probably after the chinese mafia too" i told nex

"cool and what about the little girl you told me about" nex asked

"We will get her back and tell our men me and you are going to north-west tuscany ." i told nex

"why all of a sudden" he asked with a confused face "astrae grew up there" i told him

"ok i will inform them" was all he said


As soon as we arrived to north west tuscany nex and i went to astrae's old house. a lot of memories flooded but i pushed them back.

i rang the door bell. and waited.


Pov: luce

astrae is gone to rome. our plan to go to the tower of pisa is cancelled. esme is asleep after crying that astra didnt buy her a pony. im listening to drivers license. this shit is so depressing.

as i was watching doja cat inta vid. someone ran the doorbell. gosh they spoiled the mood. humans you know. annoying person rang doorbell again. guess i have to go and see.

i went downstairs so see who it was and um lets say i fucked up.

i tried to close door in azrael and nex face but nex stuck his feet in between the door and pushed the door open.

"where is astrae woman" azrael asked

as an asnwer i attempted to punch him in the face but nex stopped the punch.

"see what you do woman" nex said

"cmon nex my name isnt woman, im damn sure you know who tf i am." i said

"how do you know my name" he asked

"how would i not? didnt ur dad leave you to die. it really sad, i feel pity for you gosh"i acted as if i was crying

"shut up bitch and tell me where astra is" azrael said "she is in hell, i killed her because she didnt take me to the leaning tower of pisa" i said rolling my eyes.

"dont give us the sass woman" nex said yet again. "arent you sad mommy and daddy left you to die and no one wants you. you know your just a useless bitch who will be used as a bait and everyone will leave yo-" before i could finish my sentence nex pushed me against the wall with his hand on my neck choking me.

"say one more word and it will be your last day"he said

i smirked and managed to say "your mother was a bitch"

"сука" he said before he could do anything azrael stopped him.

"where the fuck is astra i dont like repeating my question luna or whatever tf your name is" he said. this bitch. "luce" nex corrected him.

"see you did know my name"i continued "astra is in hell and btw riaza will probably leave you like mommy daddy did. everyone will"

"dont say her name from your worthless mouth" he said "is that what your dad say when you called your mother 'mom'" i asked smirking.

"go get the little girl from upstairs nex i will handle her

"do you dare get your disgusting hands on esme" i said and tried to get up but azrael stopped me. "where is astrae, i know you mom is alive and where she lives in france so yea spill the tea your mom or your bestfriend" my mom lives in orlando...

"astra is in italy somewhere" was all i said because i would like to see him try and catch her cause she is sonic at these kinda stuff.

"say a little more it wont hurt you"azrael said.

"do you know azraeL shirigami's kill the chinese mafia" i said making a death note refrence.

(ik a lot of you didnt get the refrense so yea go watch death note)

"she is going to kill him because he has been messing with your shipments yea ik" he said

"colson was a good spy i might admit" i said keeping a straight face

"you knew"he said

suddenly nex walked in with esme in his hands. She was bawling her eyes out.
"Leave her or else I wont be pretty for you" I threatened him
"Omg I'm so scared I mean atleast my dad didn't use to abuse me when I was a child " this bitch didn't.
They walked to the door with esme in their arms and I wasn't able to do anything.
"When astra gets back send her to this address" azrael gave me a peice of paper with something written.

" It's our warehouse " with that azrael and the son of a bitch left. And all I did  was sit on the floor like a fucking coward.

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