Part 71~

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Sup yall! I don't have much to say, but I hope you enjoy!
Also, Kazuyo is now a month old😊^ and above is some art that I made of him hehe🥰❤️

Hinata gently rocked little Kazuyo in his arms, and sighed.

They just got back from a doctors appointment and they said that the tiny pup had lost weight since their last visit the week before, along with having a slight fever.

Nothing too unusual for newborns, but it still made the Hinata extremely upset.

So, the doctor suggested they start adding some formula into his milk bottles, along with the breast milk to get as much nutrients as possible.

Hinata laid down on the couch, with his shirt off and Kazu only in his diaper and resting on his chest. He hoped the skin to skin contact would help the pup feel more safe and secure.

He rubbed the tiny pups back, and kissed his forehead.

Kazu felt warm, and his breathing was a bit off. Making Hinata even more worried, but the doctor said that was normal with him being sick.

Kageyama walked in through the front door, the twins right in front of him as they stepped in.

He took them out to the park to let Hinata and Kazu rest for a bit, and give them some quiet.

When he walked in the living room, he saw Hinata on the couch with Kazu cradled up to his chest as they both slept.

He put his finger up to his mouth and signaled for the girls to be quiet as they made their way towards the kitchen.

He sat the twins onto the kitchen counter and got out some snacks for them and let them eat before taking them upstairs to get changed.

"Hanako- stay still" Kageyama said as she squirmed around trying to get away from him. He tried putting in her shirt, but she just started running away.

"Girl get back here" he got up and caught her, making her giggle. "I don't want shirt!" She said and pouted.

"Princess, you gotta wear your shirt" he chuckled and set her down. "What if we picked out a different one?"

She nodded and grabbed her sisters hand before stumbling over to their closet. "This one!" She yelped and pointed to a plain yellow ruffled shirt, she jumped up and down trying to reach it.

"That's a little too high for you honey, I'll get it" Kageyama leaned over and grabbed the shirt, along with a plain purple shirt for Harumi.

He got them both washed up and dressed, and then he set them down for a nap. He gave them both bottles and making sure they were all set before leaving the room.

Hinata pat Kazuyo's back, and kissed his head.

He sat up a little and shifted the small pup onto his lap, and just looked at him.

"Hey baby" he turned his head and saw Kageyama walking up to him. He smiled, and opened one of his arms up allowing the other to come in for a hug.

The couple just sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, both taking glances down at the sleeping newborn.

Kazu tensed up and sneezed before he let up for a second "Did he just-" Kageyama stopped when they both smelt something.

"Ewww, nasty boy" Hinata gagged when he realized what he did. "I'll go change him" he said and picked him up, then got up and off the couch.

"Okay, I'll get started on dinner" Kageyama said and kissed both of their heads before making his way into the kitchen.

Hinata set Kazuyo down into the changing table and looked down, looking for the baby wipes and extra diapers.

He spotted them and picked them up, placing them on the side of the table.

Kazuyo squirmed around and started fussing, the tiny pup closed his eyes and started crying on the top of his lungs.

"It's okay honey" Hinata sighed and just continued to change him, and once he finished, he picked out a new outfit for him and got him all dressed.

The rest of the day was pretty calm, other than Kazu crying on and off, and the twins being a bit cranky, everything was fine.
(The next morning)

Hinata groaned as he woke up, hearing loud cries echoing throughout the room.

He sat up and looked around glancing at the clock that read '4am' before his eyes landed on Kageyama standing next to the bassinet while he held little Kazuyo.

"I got it baby, go back to bed" Kageyama said and looked over at him, then to the screaming pup again.

"No, it's okay. He's probably hungry, just pass him to me" Hinata said, still half asleep.

Kageyama just sighed and walked over to Hinata's side of the bed, helping him lower his shirt and set the pup up to feed.

Hinata waited for the pup to latch on before leaning back onto the bed, letting out a sigh and closing his eyes again.

"I'm sorry baby, I tried to get him back to sleep" Kageyama said and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Hinata just smiled and shook his head, "it's okay love. He's a baby, he's just gonna cry a lot" He said and chuckled a little.

Kazuyo finished feeding about thirty minutes later, which luckily sent him to sleep not long after. So the couple went back to bed once again.

Later that morning, Hinata was the last to wake up.

His body felt heavy and his head was congested, and he overall felt like crap.

Kageyama came in to check on him, and took his temperature. "102.1" He sighed and put the cap back on the thermometer.

Hinata just rested his head onto his shoulder and sniffled. Kageyama brought him close and lightly scented him, the two just shared a quiet moment with one another.

Though, it was cut short when Hinata turned a bit pale and gagged, luckily Kageyama noticed and grabbed a garbage can in time.

"Well, seems like it's gonna be a long day" Kageyama sighed, rubbing soothing circles onto the others back.

Hey yallll!!

I hope ya liked it, I'm sorry it's so short!❤️

I have some stuff planned for future chapters hehe. But if you have any suggestions, just lmk!

Love yall, til next time!❤️

-Love, Ev❤️

💙 ~Start of a family~🧡 ~A Kagehina omegaverse storyWhere stories live. Discover now