Part 68~ Rough days

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Hi y'all!
This is a little warning for this chapter, it will be including some hints of ppd and body image. I know it can be uncomfortable or triggering for some of y'all, so if you do, I would suggest skipping this chapter.
I love you all so much and I hope you still like it!

Kageyama glanced over at Hinata and smiled.

He was finally getting some rest after being up with Kazu almost all night, feeding him or just having to hold the fussy newborn.

So when Kageyama woke up this morning, he made sure that Hinata got some sleep. He leaned down and gave his fiancé a kiss on the cheek before picking up Kazu and taking him out of the room, that way the pup wouldn't wake him up.

Luckily Hinata was not only breastfeeding, but he was also pumping, so there were plenty bags of milk in the freezer that he could just warm up so he would have to wake him up.

Kazu huffed and started whining, while wiggling around in his fathers arms. "I know I know, I'm getting you some food now" Kageyama kissed his forehead and proceeded to get his bottle ready.

He unscrewed the top to the bottle and opened up the freezer, pulling out a bag of milk and setting it on the counter.

He popped the bag into a bowl of hot water to help it defrost, then once it was a liquid again and warm enough he put it into the baby bottle.

"Alright, here you go honey" he gently rocked the fussy newborn as he fed him the bottle. He walked over to the couch and sat down, waiting for the little pup to finish.

Once he did, he burped him and set him down. Little Kazu pretty much fell asleep right after being put in his rocker. Kageyama took this time to get some cleaning done.

Hinata stared at the clock, watching the minutes go by. 10:00, 10:30, 11:00.

He has been up for about an hour, but he hasent gotten up. He can't. He pulled the covers over his head and closed his eyes, but didn't fall asleep.

Instead, he just laid there for another half an hour before finally getting up, only because he needed to pee.

He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, then got up using the support of the nightstand when he got dizzy.

Making his way into the bathroom, he passed by the mirror. Just taking a glance at his reflection made him turn his head.

He used the bathroom and washed his hands and looked up at himself in the mirror. He lifted his shirt up, staring at his reflection. He hated the way he looked.

He sighed and dropped the grip on his shirt, letting it fall back down. He climbed back into bed and just laid there, staring up at the ceiling.

Kageyama had the twins watching a movie in the livingroom, and he was getting ready to bring Kazu up into his crib.

He made sure the twins were all set before making his way upstairs.

He opened up the nursery door and flicked on the light. He kissed the sleeping pups forehead before setting him down into the crib.

He stood by the door and just waited a minute, making sure he didn't wake up before turning the light off, and leaving the room quietly.

He walked down the hallway and stopped at his and Hinata's door, slowly opening it up and peeking inside.

He saw him now laying on top of the blankets, so he quietly walked over to the bed to check on him.

When he got closer, he saw that his eyes were opened, so he called out his name. No answer, so he called out again, this time earning a small head turn from the other.

💙 ~Start of a family~🧡 ~A Kagehina omegaverse storyWhere stories live. Discover now