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Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

I wake up blinded by the white lights. I try to open my eyes but I can't I can only feel the fluorescents on my eyes. I hear a faint whisper in the back but I can't make out who it is due to the beepings of the monitor. Try to move my hand but feel some grasp on to it.

"Guys she moved her hand." I hear begin to yell out."Drew she hasn't moved in forever" I hear another voice state. "I know that the first ones were false calls but I know for a fact she squeezed my hand." Drew replies. "It's ok Drew we know you miss her but she has no vital activities" Cladia replies. "I know it's been so long and I just miss her." Drew states while crying. I feel her salty tears on me as she kisses my lips. "Drew I think you should step out and get some air you haven't left since she's been here," A deeper male voice says "I can't what if she wakes up Finn?"

"I'll call you if she does go clean up, I know Billie and she would want to see you like this if she wakes up." Finneas replies. "Your right I'll be back with some food too." I hear the door close.

6 hours later

I hear the voices that's it Finneas and Claudia was discussing the next steps if I don't wake up which is weird with my parents. Drew has been cuddling since she got back from the shower. I just hear voices. I cannot move my eyes I am a little responsive but nothing drastic to me waking up. I'm not sleepy anymore I just want to wake up from this nightmare.

Everyone I think went home Drew is still cuddling me though. I hear a knock on the door causing Drew to jump up and open the door. "Hello, Nurse!" Drew states. "Any movements today?" She asks. "I thought I felt her move and squeeze my hand but maybe not" She replies sadly. "I know how you must feel with your Fiance being like this but it's ok. Fiance? We're engaged? "I just wish she would wake up. Billie is such a brave soul she's the nicest person ever, she can be highly sexual sometimes and sometimes she can be the biggest baby just wanting cuddles." Drew replies in a sniffle with a little chuckle.

"Well, she only has a couple of weeks until we have to move her." The nurse replies. "yeah I know" Drew responds. "Well if you have any questions just ring this red button." The nurse states leaving the room.

The next morning

It's the next morning Claudia and Finneas are here I think due to the similar voices that are being whispered along with Drews. "You know who knew HTE was going to do so good?" Drew states. "I did especially Males Fantasy" Finneas replies. "Yeah, when she told me the meaning was about Q" I don't know why that name sounds similar but it does. "Well, she never would tell me I just thought it was about Q." Finneas states. "It was her favorite song on the album she would walk around and hum it for the longest around our apartment." we have an apartment?

"Do you think she is going to wake up Finneas?" Drew states "She would never give up Drew, so you shouldn't right now she probably fighting for you us, mom, and dad, Claudia and her fans." my fans my precious babies.

"I know Finneas I just wish she would wake up" Drew states with tears. "She will wake up trust me." I hear them say and then silence takes over apparently someone's phone rings with a familiar tune. I remember that song. It's so graceful so amazing. Wait before I got hit with the car I was working on a song like that. Why is it still playing I only had the first couple of lines done? I notice it's still playing which makes me lead to the fact that they are sleeping. I hear the phone go silent and vibrate.

2 hours later

"Ok so Billie isn't awake yet but she is in the stage where her memory is foggy but she could be in her subconscious. Meaning something could re-trigger her chances of moving. Sometimes it can worsen the state but most of the time it's a success." I hear the nurse state to Drew. "What's the success rate?" I hear Finneas state. "42%" The nurse replies. Everyone lets out a sigh. "Thank you, nurse," They say in unison while the nurse walks out. When she walks out Drew breaks down. "What if she forgets everything?" Drew asks. "She won't Drew she loves you" Finneas try applying some reassurance. "You don't know that she said her memory is foggy." Drew replies. "Her memory is Foggy not gone Drew, When Billie wakes up she will remember everything."

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