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Danny's POV

Los Angeles, CA

I hear Maddison yell as I and Billie make out on the Patio, I instantly turn around and spot a steaming Maddison, I carefully unlatch my hands from Billie's breast and chase after Maddison. Although I don't have romantic feelings for her I didn't want her to find out this way. I should've listened to Billie when she said we shouldn't do this. 

While chasing Maddison the only thought on my mind is Billie, the makeout session we had the way she and drew were cuddled up together god I envied drew at that moment, but most of all what happens If Maddison doesn't let this go, What is she outs Billie or even worse sells her story to paps. I know out of all people Billie isn't ready to come out and Maddison is the type of person who would do that. 

If I'm being honest Maddison was a quick hook up, I just decided to bring her the get-together to make Billie jealous which if I think about it now was very petty of me. I had no intention of getting together with Maddison we went out a couple of times but nothing was set in stone stating that I had feelings for her she is not even my type, Now realizing that I played with her heart Billie might be affected and If she is there is no rekindling our friendship or even what we were about to have. 

"Maddison wait for a minute please" I yell out as she is storming down the driveway

"Why should I wait? So I can catch you making out with that slut again?" She replies that sends a tingle through my spine at the word she calls Billie. 

"First of all this isn't Billies fault second of all Billie is not a slut so please don't call her out her name" I replied, Maddison sends out a scoff while shaking her head.

"I cannot believe you, still defending her after I just caught you having borderline sex outside" Maddison replies, trying to unlock her car.

"Maddison, why are you mad? You knew the terms when I hooked up with you, I said this is nothing more than a hookup, No strings attached and now you're going crazy on me like we were dating." I replied back getting angrier at the minute. 

"You cannot just have sex with a person and expect them not to catch feelings you asshole!" She replies back unlocking her car door and entering. "ITS OK THOUGH I'M GOING TO SHOW THE WORLD HOW MUCH OF A FAGGOT BILLIE EILISH REALLY IS!" she replies driving off. shit, this can't be happening she's gonna out Billie and it's all my fault. 

I make my way up to the door and straighten myself before entering. Upon entering I feel everyone's gaze on me, I clear my throat and catch the attention of the beautiful blonde-haired woman. She looks up and proceeds to stand and give me a big embrace. "Gosh, I though- thoug- you- le-left" Billie states in almost a whisper. "I'm not leaving, not again" I replied rocking us back and forth. Billie looks up into my Hazel eyes and sends me a soft kiss on my lips. When we separate we hear clapping as we look around Finneas is yelling finally and Maggie has the biggest smile on her face everyone continues to cheer until we hear someone clear their throat. Drew.

It was Drew who cleared their throat stopping everyone from cheering and creating a silence in the room. "Ok, we get it congratulations but are we going to skip over the fact that Maddison just left out, what happened?" As much as I hated it Drew was right I need to explain what happened and what could happen but not in public with a bunch of people I don't know before I can talk Patrick catches the drift and tells everyone the get-together is over. 

46 Minutes Later 

It's been a while later we have cleaned up and moved the furniture back to its original state and positions everyone has left except for Drew, Claudia, Finneas, and Billie.  Right now Billie was leaning on my shoulder and Drew was burning holes in my face but I decided to pay no attention to it.

"So what happened that caused Maddison to just leave," Drew asks

"Well, It's a long story" I state nervously. 

"We have all night," Finneas and Claudia say in sync. 

"Well it started the week Billie told me to not wait for her, I met Maddison at the club, I just wanted a good time so I took her home." when I said that sentence Billie shifted uncomfortably on my shoulder, "Well we kept hooking up after that" "Billie gets off my shoulder and scoots over a little bit. 

"After you guys kept hooking up she became your girlfriend right?" Claudia asks. "Well no we just kept hooking up I made it 100% clear that we are not a thing and it's no strings attached. 

"Not clear enough obviously" I heard Drew say under her breathe "Well Maggie invited me to the get-together and I thought I'd invited Maddison and pretend she was my girlfriend to make Billie jealous, At the time it felt right because I was hurt, but now looking at it I played with both of your emotions. After the movie Billie walked outside I followed and things escalated, I guess Maddison saw us making out and she left." 

"How bad was the makeout?" Claudia ask a little too excited 

"Borderline" I replied everyone in the room eye's go wide and Billie face is covered in a red tint from blushing so hard."

"There's something else" Billie states, I hate how this woman can read my mind, "Yeah Billies right, Um I went to talk to her and it didn't go too well, there is a slight chance she took a video and when she was driving off she stated she was going to show the world how much Billie Eilish is a fag-" 

"Ok that's enough" FInneas states furiously, Billie just sits there blank, staring into nothing. After a while, Billie's voice breaks the silence. "So, she's going to out me?". "Maybe but we have no proof, Maddison is just an empty threat we have no clue if she would or not. 

"Ok, I-i we can not worry about it." She replies calmly. "Huh?" I replied back wondering why she was not freaking out. "Last time something like this happened I lost something so important to me, I cannot go for that again, So if she outs me then well make the best of it." She replied. "I will have to contact management about the situation but let's be prepared for the worst" Billie sends a toothy grin and everyone agrees. 

1 Hour Later

It's been an hour since the conversation, Finneas and Claudia decided to stay at Maggie's with me and Billie while Drew left a while ago. Right now I'm laying in Billie's bed watching the office while Billie is taking a shower. I hear the water stop and I figure Billie is done, Billie steps out of the bathroom with nothing but a white towel that is a little small for her curvaceous figure. I bite my lip at the sight of her boobs popping out of the towel. "Like what you see?" she asks making me turn red. "I-i didn't me to stare" I try to say. "No please continue I enjoy the attention" she sends a smirk as she walks over and straddles my lap and starts to kiss me. We continue to make out with her grinding on my thigh turning me on even more. All that can be heard are Billies soft whimpers and my groans. "O-Oh just like that" Billie says as I began to flex my thigh to give her more satisfaction. I start to unravel her towel but before I can there is a knock on the door. 

"Ugh!! I was so close" Billie lets out a frustrated sigh getting up off my thigh to answer the door while I grab a paper towel to wipe the wetness off my leg. 

"Who is it?" Billie answers, "Oh did I interrupt something?" I hear the voice of Claudia at the door. "No," Billie says with a deadpanned face. "Oh well, I and Finneas are going to sleep, goodnight Bil." Claudia states. "Don't stay up too late fucking!" Claudia yells "OMG REALLY CLAUDIA!?!" Billie chuckles and closes the door. 

Billie lets out a yawn and shakes her head, "You tired Bil?" I ask, "Yeah I'm sorry" She states sadly. "Don't apologize it can happen another time, I would never make you do something when you don't feel like it" shakes her head tiredly.  After Billie slowly gets dressed she gets into bed I lay in bed with her as she cuddles into my breast. Although I'm horny I would never take advantage of Billie. 

Goodnight Bil, I tell her as I brush her hair out of her face. Goodnight Danny, she replies. I think I'm falling for this woman, I just hope Maddison doesn't act on her threats. 

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: another smut tease for you horny mfs, Anyways this chapter was easy I was so contempt writing this I was feeling inspired. It only gets better from here. 

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