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Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

It's been a month since Finneas and Claudia caught me in the same act that I was in before I met Danny so I came clean to them, they didn't judge me but deep down I think they knew I lost something good. When I cut her off I didn't think she wouldn't respond to me but I guess I get what I ask for right. 

I've seen some of the articles and trust me I tend to get jealous but it's what I wanted for her and she looks happy so there is no need for me to be jealous the whole reason I let her go is to see her happy. Apparently, she is dating some famous model she is gorgeous so I can tell why she likes her they really cute but sometimes my mind wanders to what if that was us? 

"Billie you have to stop sulking around get up" Finneas walks into my room pulling the covers off a shivery yawn. 

"Fine Fine," I say getting up 

"Put something on were going out to eat, Claudia's coming too" Finneas yells while walking out

I get out of my bed take a shower put on some eyeliner and get dressed and put my hair in a messy bun."I'm ready" I shout walking downstairs "Great!" Finneas says as we make our way to the car. As we are driving to Sweet Chick I take out my phone and read through one of the articles I was reading earlier






"Isn't that right Billie?" Finneas says connecting me out of my thoughts. "Uh y-yeah," I state back not even knowing what he was talking about. Cladia stifles a giggle, "I'm sorry Finn it's just I feel like I did the right thing but it hurts like hell you know?" I state, "My friend it sounds like you were in love" Claudia states with a french accent. "I couldn't have been I didn't even know her for that long on ontop of that I'm straight." 

"It's not about who or how when falling in love you can't stop yourself from falling, I met Claudia in a week and made a song the next week, love is a strange thing" Finneas sincerely replies. I lean my head on the window and wait until we arrive. 

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

Today my mom is planning a little get-together I'm not in the mood for a get-together but I haven't seen my mom in a while so I guess I have no choice. I don't know who's going to the get-together but all I know is it's Drew, Claudia, Finneas, and myself. Finneas invited some people and so did my mom. It's currently 2 hours until we leave and right now I'm scrolling through some fan pages on Instagram, I love my fans I don't know where I would be without them. 

"Billie time to leave!" I hear Claudia shout from the bottom of the staircase. I've been scrolling through Instagram for a good 2 hours which is unhealthy but I don't really care. I slip on some Yeezy slides and put my hair in a bun and walk downstairs. We pile into the car rocking out to Tyler the Creator, Kehlani, and Tame Impala. 

We arrive at my mom's house with multiple cars around the house, so much for a small get-together, As I enter I am greeted by my wonderful mother. "Hey, Mama" I wrap my mother in a big embrace. Finneas doing the same thing when I finish, "Hello my precious children" she replies, your dad is outside fixing the grill. I walk outside and greet my father asking if he needed help although he declines I can clearly see him struggling so I lift the grill a little to help him but let's go before he notices. "See what I told you kiddo, I didn't need help" I giggle to myself knowing I helped but I'll let him keep the boost of confidence. 


We have been at the get-together for 2 hours and right now we are all winding down in the living room about to watch Claudia's new movie I love my dad before the movie starts the doorbell goes off causing my mom to jump up and go answer it. I hear mumbling but I'm unaware of who it is. As they enter the room I am in shock, One why is she here and who is this girl with her. 

"You made it just in time Danny," my mother says, I shift uncomfortably by Drew as she realizes the only seat available is right next to me, great. Everyone's attention shifts to the girl standing with Danny. "Oh, how rude of me," She says with a toothy grin almost contagious, "This is my girlfriend Maddison" She replies I feel my heart drop and ache when those words come out of her mouth. Every greets Maddison but I send a head nod while she locks eye contact with me. what the fuck is wrong with this bitch. 

I would be lying if I didn't feel a little bit jealous, but Danny was never mine so I cannot be mad and she looks happy that's all I wanted. Drew pulls me closer to her by the waist and I'm starting to sense she caught my unsteady breathing. I feel someone staring daggers into the side of my head. I glance over and catch Danny staring. like, stare at your girlfriend tf. The movie ended and everyone congratulated Claudia, I hugged Claudia and stepped onto the patio to get some fresh air. 

While standing on the Patio I hear the sliding doors open "Good Movie huh?" I hear Danny say behind me. 

"Yeah Claudia has a big career ahead of her," I replied as Danny got closer. "She seems nice" I state, "Huh?" Danny replies, "Maddison, she seems nice" I replied with a duh tone. "Oh, we-well yeah she is I'm just afraid that I'm going to break her heart you know" She replied shyly. "Why? you're a great person any woman would be glad to have you" I replied sincerely. "Yeah but I don't feel the same way about her that I feel about you Billie" She replies leaving me shocked "Don't start this you have a girlfriend" I replied coldly "I know it's just I said I would wait and you gave up on me, on us Billie" She replies almost whispering. 

"I gave up no, You ran I said I needed time and you ran like you ran when we were in New York, You run from your problems and I couldn't have you to myself without finding out myself It would've been selfish if I made the right decision ok. I replied back coldly. "BUT IT WASN'T THE RIGHT DECISION BILLIE I'VE BEEN FUCKING MISERABLE". Danny responds by yelling. "Im sorry" Danny states yelling. It's just I thought you were happy" I replied back. 

"You and Drew seem to be close?" Yeah, she is my childhood best friend what are you insinuating? Are you jealous? I say with a seductive smirk 

"Of Course not" Danny scoffs and replies 

We stare at each other for a while leaning in slowly her hand graces my jaw and she pulls me in for a soft delicate kiss. Our tounges are dancing in a rhythm fighting for dominance, I let her win while she pushes me into the wall making the kiss heat up. "We shouldn't do this you have a girlfriend," I say practically out of breath, She doesn't listen and continues to kiss me applying pressure to my core with her knee, I moan in her mouth as she grabs my thighs tapping them signaling me to jump as I get ready to jump up we are interrupted. shit 

WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL DANNY!?! I hear Maddison scoff causing Danny to look at her. 

"Maddy wait I-i can explain" Danny states after chasing after her I straighten my clothes and walk inside flustered Claudia smirks and Finneas sends a confused expression but Drew, looks furious but sad at the same time. I hope Drew doesn't like me everything is finally going perfect. 

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: Maddison is not leaving yet, also I'm so scared to write smut literally. Anyways we have been in Billies POV for a while... 

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