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Claudia's POV

New York City, NY

After witnessing Billie crying and ticing after Danny brought her in there was going to be no way in hell I let daniel stay here considering the actions that he does consist of something Billie is very fond of. 

I know Danny said something back in the studio to Billie before we left to go to the Airbnb. I need to know what he said mainly because Billie is like a sister to me and I promise if he said something out of pocket I will ki- 

"What are you thinking about my love?" Finneas says interrupting my head thoughts before I spiral out on different ways to murder him and how I would hide. "When we left the studio earlier driving to the Airbnb did Billie I don't know seems off to you," I ask Finneas waiting for his reply. "You know during the shows, etc when driving after she got broken up she would always look out the window she said it was like letting go of all the stress of the relationship.

When we were driving earlier she didn't look out the window and when we got out of the car her eyes were red, But I don't know maybe I was just looking at the little details about Billie." Finneas states before dragging his attention back to the television. 

"Finn," I ask silently 

"Yes, baby" He replies almost immediately.  "I-i think Daniel said something to Billie," I say with my voice trembling. "What are you saying?" Finneas asks a little confused. "When you were in the back before you walked in on me and Daniel arguing a couple of minutes before Danny brought Billie in she was a crying mess and ticing I guess that's what sparked my and Daniels's argument I was just sure he did something." "Ok my love calm down," Finneas says as he places a gentle kiss on my face.

 "What makes you think this," He asks trying to get a better idea of where this came from. "You told me Billie didn't look out the window today, yeah, Well it's not a coincidence that she and Dan were the last ones to exit the room and during the ride to the Airbnb I heard light sniffles and cries, I don't want to jump to conclusions but what if did something to her Finneas?" I state a little worried on the outside Daniel looked like a genuinely nice guy but I wouldn't put anything past him.  "Ok my love, I agree how about we go check on Billie and see if she wants to talk to us" I agree and we proceed to walk to the room Danny brought her to during her tic attack. 

As we make our way closer to the door I Finneas start tip-toeing to not disturb Billie if she was sleeping, As we get close I and Finneas stand on both sides of the door shushing each other like we're going to walk in on something we don't want to see. 

Finneas starts to whisper and yells the countdown to open the door he counts down from 3 and we open the door. The sight we see is rather heartwarming when we crack the door open. I and Finneas spot Danny wide awake with Billie almost on top of her, Billie is snuggled in her neck grabbing on to Danny like she is going to let go and be alone again. 

Then I notice Danny taking in all of Billies features while softly scratching her scalp and humming one of her songs embracing the older girl. I and Finneas stand at the door and keep silent while backing up. 

"That was so cute" I state maybe a little too excited 

"I agree, I haven't seen Billie that comfortable in a while in somebody's arms even if it is a stranger. It's just I don't want to see her hurt Claudia, Not again I cannot possibly go through that again." Finneas states with his watery eyes.

"I know baby, It's ok" I comfort Finneas in a warm embrace as we walked back down the hallway to our room and finished watching television. 


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