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Danny's POV

Los Angeles, CA

2 Months Later

It's been two months late and I and Billie am still going strong. We have been on a lot of dates since the first one and just being in the moment and presence of each other. We haven't had a lot of intercourse actually we haven't had sex since the first time when I asked her to be my girlfriend. I know from dated back interviews Billie is a sex animal and I don't want to leave her deprived because she's afraid of going down on me I wish she would express these things with me instead of hiding them. 

Right now I'm laying in Billie's bed with her head in my lap. While she strums a song on her guitar. " home alone, trying not to eat distract myself with" She continues to hum as she slowly turns them into song lyrics writing them in her black notebook. "Is that a new song baby?" I ask while scratching her head. "It's nothing so far" She replies looking down. "It's beautiful Bil" I replied seeing a tint of red cover her face. "What are you thinking about my love?" Billie asks causing me to change my position which makes Billie straddle my lap. 

"Do you not like having sex with? Is it because I don't have a di-" I say as I'm interrupted by Bille getting off my lap. "Are you fucking serious?" Literally, we've been together for 2 months and we've only had sex once, where's the problem?" Billie replies a little angry. "Nothing it's I see the interviews and how you are practically a nympho and you haven't had sex with me is it because I have a vagina and I can't satisfy your desire to be dicked down?" I state with an attitude. 

"What the fuck I cannot believe you just said that first of all if I wanted to be dicked down there's a thing called a strap-on dumbass and secondly I don't want to have sex because It doesn't feel right that you can satisfy me and I cannot to the same Im afraid I've never done it with women all I asked for was fucking time!" Billie spits out angrily as tears pool in her eyes. "I just needed time," She said on the verge of tears while they slowly slipped out of her eyes staining her cheek. I feel like an asshole I said there was no rush and demanded her to have sex. I promised I wouldn't do it. "I need space, I'm going to Drews." Billie replies which makes me feel a little jealous although they are best friends the crush Drew has on Billie is clearly obvious. 

"Billie, you can't just leave" I go to raise my hand to her face realizing what I was about to do, god what is getting into me? "Don't fucking touch me Danny" She yells as she walks out the door. Shit

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

I storm out the door get into my car and drive to a random empty field of sunflowers. I send my location to Claudia the message is read in less than 30 seconds and 20 minutes later Claudia appears with Taco Bell, Blankets, and a pillow. "Hey, Bil," she says with a small frown. "Are you ok?" Claudia ask. "I and Danny got into an argument this morning, I-it like everything was fine one minute, and then she snapped," I replied while sniffling. "I'm sorry Bil" Claudia replies. "But that is not the point she got aggressive she tried to grab me and she started yelling. It was like she was different it reminded me of Q." I replied back with Claudia wrapping me in an embrace. "

"What was the argument about if you want to share," Claudia asks me in a whisper. "Sex, she thought the reason I didn't want to have sex with her was that I wanted to get dicked down she thought she wasn't enough because I wasn't ready"  "It's ok Bille give her some time" Claudia replies. 

I and Claudia have been talking for hours and It's finally dark outside. "Well, Bil are you going to follow me back to my house?" Claudia asks me. "No, I think I'm going to Drews for a couple of nights," I replied back. "Ok Well, you always welcomed home see you later" Claudia states while she pulls me into a hug. "Thanks, Claudia I replied getting into my car."

Danny's POV

Beverly Hills, CA

Right now I pulling up to Maddison's house. She sent me a picture of Wine and her topless and I couldn't resist. Right now I'm furious at Billie and I probably shouldn't be doing this but If Billie can't supply my needs she can't be mad right? I got a text from Danny saying he missed me this morning, I guess I freaked bringing up feelings that I had because I was falling for him. He told me how he changed and I figured if I and Billie weren't making progress then I don't have to waste my time. Seem selfish but settling down is just something I can't do at least not with Billie she is to break as bad as it sounds I don't think I'm the right person for her. 

"I didn't think you'd come," Maddison says as she knocks on the door

"Let's get this over with," I say as I pull her into a sloppy kiss

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

I've been sitting in my car for around 3 hours contemplating going to Drew we haven't talked ever since I and Danny got together and I miss my best friend while sitting in the car I feel my phone vibrate on my thigh and it's Drew calling. I haven't received a call from Drew in 3 months. I answer the phone "H-Hello?" I respond nervously not knowing what to say. "Are you going to knock on the door or sleep in the car?" She asks making me smile "Uhh yeah I just pulled up I'm getting out" I replied "Billie you've been here since midnight that 3 hours" I hear Drew chuckle walking to the door I hang up and get out of the car. 

"Hey Drew" I state "Are you ok Billie you look like shit" She chuckles pulling me into a hug. "Ye-yeah I just needed to not be alone tonight," I replied back making drew pout. "What about Danny?" Drew replies "I'll tell you tomorrow." Drew shakes her head and leads me to her room. "Well you know where the shower is and I'll give you my bed and I'll sleep on the couch ok." Drew states. "Drew we've been best friends since little kids there's no way I'm letting you sleep on the couch. " I replied making her get comfortable on her bed while I make my way to the shower. 

I finally got out of the shower and borrowed some of Drews's clothes, I gently lay down to not wake up Drew. I whisper her name making sure she is asleep. 

"Yes, Bil?" She replies "I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you" I truly missed you I replied. "It's fine Billie you here now" and with that, I fall asleep with Drew tossing her hand over my waist. "Goodnight Bil" she whispers. "Good night Drew" I replied

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: Not Daniel texting Danny. Not Drew and Billie...Not Maddison, most of all not Danny trying to hit Billie... Leave now girlie. 

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