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Billies POV

Los Angeles, CA

I woke up still tired and with a huge headache. I get up and turn on some soft nature sounds and make my way to the bathroom and run a hot bath. I get into the tub and just think, I couldn't believe everyone saw me at my lowest point because of how fast I caught feelings for somebody and she was living in the area the whole time. My parents didn't even tell me, my brother didn't even tell me, and Claudia she helped me through my last break up, and when Danny left and knew the whole time Danny was in LA. 

I'm more furious at the fact that my family knew and didn't say anything, I technically cannot be mad at Danny for moving and if anything I'm pretty happy at the fact itself, I just wish she didn't sneak around and not tell me, I get I pushed her out the way but it was out of instinct my management would've killed me if these "gay rumors" would have got lose and I couldn't jeopardize that. 

At the party, all the questions and the slurs were said while I was walking. I'm afraid to come out and face that part of me where people will hate me because of who I like and I'm afraid that because of this fear I will let the people I love the most leave without even noticing their slipping away. I jump from the knock on the door, I guess I was thinking too hard because I didn't even hear the sound of anyone at the door. 

"Billie are you in here?" I hear from the other side of the door, "Ye-yes" I replied. "Well hurry up and get dressed so I can take you to get breakfast" Danny replies in her morning voice that sends vibrations down to places I'd rather not state. "Ok I'm almost out" I replied speeding up the pace of my washing my hair and body. I get out and get dressed in a Soto shirt with matching pants and slip on some black and white air force ones. 

While walking out I'm met with Danny in a yellow plaid shirt with black jeans and a black drawn beanie. "Good morning Bil," she says sending a toothy grin. I blush at her smile and reply with a good morning as well. Danny laces my hand with her as she drags me out the door to her car. Her car wasn't like my baby dragon but It was Trackhawk. I chuckle to myself because if Danny was a car this would be her the outside is a nice red with an ink-black interior I would call this car sexy but nothing is sexier than my dragon. 

"Billie I just want to say that I'm truly sorry about not telling you I moved and I know that you shouldn't forgive me I'm truly sorry." Danny says sincerely, "Danny I already said I forgive you just let it go ok." I replied "I know it's just I don't want you to feel like this is Finneas, Claudia, or your parent's fault because I dragged them into it, it's 100% my fault Billie, not theirs" Maybe she's right I shouldn't be mad at them but I also don't want to be mad at Danny either. I just let out a sigh and lean my head against the window.

Danny's POV

Los Angeles, CA

We pulled up to some vegan breakfast spot in LA, I've never been but Billie says it is her favorite. I love how she does a little dancey dance when she talks about food it's the cutest. I can't say that I'm happy about how Billie found out about me being in LA for 6 months but I'm glad she did it was killing me knowing that she was suffering and all she needed was me. 

We walk into the spot and grad a table for 2, I enjoy the time I spend with Billie and I know she feels the same but I'm just waiting for the perfect time to make the first move. I would be lying if said I didn't like Billie, from her beautiful ocean eyes, he black hair, her whole personality, and the way she gets shy when I call her a cute pet name she's perfect. I know she probably feels the same way about me but she's so fragile she needs time and I'm willing to wait I just don't want it to be too late. 

"What are you thinking about" Billie ask's

"Nothing" I replied back 

"I know something's got you tangled what are you thinking about Danny?" She asks again with her sweet voice. 

"You, I'm thinking about you" I replied, Billie's face flushed with red and she starts sending her signature smile. 

"Why me?" She replies still smiling 

"Billie, I like you a lot, I know your straight and this was probably dumb of me to admit but it's too late right" I chuckle nervously "Billie I know you're finding yourself and after all, you've been through you out of all people deserve it and I'm willing to wait. I take her hand in mine and she just stares at me which is starting to get me worried. 

"Danny, I appreciate you and I feel the same way bu-" Billie starts to say but I interrupt her "I know the media, management, your sexuality. I know Billie but as long as you feel the same way then all I can do is wait." I send a toothy grin while she sends one back. 

"Thank you for understanding Danny" She smiles.

Billie's POV

Los Angeles, CA

3 Weeks Later

It's been 3 weeks since Danny confessed her feeling,  We haven't talked about it since and we vouched to tell nobody under any circumstances which is one reason I maybe feel guilty. Usually, when I was having relationship problems I and Claudia would talk, but it would be more of the listening, and since I and Danny vouched no to tell anyone I don't know what to do. 

It's starting to make me feel guilty because she has been waiting patiently and I don't want her to wait for me because I still have things I need to deal with I don't even know what I am, and most defiantly I don't want to push into another relationship, especially with Danny, she doesn't deserve that but she also doesn't deserve to wait for me when some other amazing girl is waiting for her, it would make me seem selfish. 


I invited Danny over I have to tell her to not wait for me because she could be waiting a long time and I just wouldn't feel right keeping her when she can live her life as well. I receive a text from Danny stating she is 3 minutes away, I begin to get out of my bed and go downstairs I open the door before she can knock. I am greeted by Danny with the biggest smile, I frown at the fact this smile is about to fade once I tell her how I feel, I'm doing the best thing.. right?  

"Hello Gorgeous, Why the pout? Danny asks with her thick eyebrows scrunched up

"I-i We need to talk about what happened at the restaurant 3 weeks ago" I state with sadness laced in my voice. 

"Look Billie it was a lot to process but I- Danny starts to ramble as I cut her off, it's better to get out now..right? "No it's wasn't, I-i mean it was but, listen I don't think you should wait for me Danny" 

"Huh? I don't understand, Was it my fault Billie? Did I do something, I-i can fix this, We-we can just be friends, I didn't mean to I- sorry" She says with tears down her face. 

"It's not your fault I just don't think it's right for me to keep you from living your best life because of me, I don't know who I am," I say in a light whisper with a stray tear rolling down my cheek. 

Danny engulfs me into a hug and rocks me back and forth after the moment of silence I feel myself barely keeping myself awake I feel her lift me and take me to my bed. I hear the door close and then the front door lock I think I'm doing what's best, right?

**if there are any spelling errors please comment where**

authors note: Ok so Billie had to let go of Danny but I have 2 different ways I want to write this book I'm just thinking about how to do that. Anyways was Billie right?

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