SCOTT: That thing was not a jaguar...

STILES: Yeah, and I'm not exactly a murderer.

SCOTT: Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody...

YN: Which is probably why it tried to kill you. And it's still trying to kill you, and it probably won't stop until you're dead.

STILES: [offended] You know, sometimes I really begin to question this "friendship."


THOMAS: You look hot.


DANNY: It took forever, but I found a program that can recover your video. I'll run it in my free period this afternoon.

JACKSON: Yeah, just let me know when it's done.

ERICA: So, Derek wants this done during chemistry?

ISAAC: Yeah, and if it's Lydia, I'm gonna kill that bitch, all right?

ERICA: We have to test her first.

ISAAC: Kanima...

JACKSON: Hey, Testicle Left, and Right and YN, Thomas -- what the hell is a Kanima?

COACH: All right, listen up! A quick warning before we begin our review-- some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own study groups because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult-- I'm not even too sure I could pass it!

COACH: Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. Who's got it, huh?

COACH: Come on, let's go, buddy.

JACKSON: [irritably] Paralyzed from the neck down. Do you have any idea what that feels like?

STILES: [drolly] I'm familiar with the sensation...

SCOTT: Wait-- why would Derek test you? Why would he think that it's you?

JACKSON: [defensively] How should I know?

STILES: Wait, do they think it's Lydia?

JACKSON: I don't know! All I heard was her name and something about chemistry...

COACH: Jackson! Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?

JACKSON: Umm... Just an undying admiration for my-my coach...

COACH: That's really kind of you.

COACH: Now shut up! Shut it!

COACH: Anybody else?

SCOTT: How do we know it's not her?

STILES: Because I looked into the eyes of that thing, okay? And what I saw was pure evil. And, when I look into Lydia's eyes, I only see fifty percent evil.

STILES: [sighing] All right, maybe sixty. You know, but no more than forty on a good day!

SCOTT: Stiles, that's not a very good argument...

STILES: [exasperatedly] I'm aware of that, but I swear it's not her. It can't be, all right? Lydia's fine.


COACH: ...Okay, then. Anybody else wants to try answering? This time in English?

SCOTT: What is that, Greek?

YN: No, actually, I think it's English...

SCOTT: Derek's not gonna kill her without proof.

STILES: All right, so he tests her like he did with Jackson, right? But when and where?

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