Chapter 2 (Past Regrets)

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Hello again, the last chapter did pretty well and I like to thank you readers for it. The chapters will get longer and longer as it goes on so I hope you will look forward to it.


After the spar the team called it for the day and headed into their own rooms while Arturia offered Archer to show the way to his room and the way around chaldea. Ritsuka went to sleep first because it was very late and his body needs sleep. Once he was asleep he found himself in a burning city and he knew he was in a dream cycle. There was one thought he had after seeing the fire and bodied everywhere he looks "He was in hell" he continued to roam around. After a while he found a boy who was about 9 years old trying to escape this hell, his eyes were empty and yet he continued to walk forward. The boy had golden eyes with his most noticeable feature which is his auburn hair. Rituska followed the boy for a bit while he walked past countless bodies and yet the boy kept walking past them until finally fell to the ground, he no longer has the strength to be able to move any further. Ritsuka tried to save the boy but his body just passed throught his arms. Soon he was covered with falling rubble. His dream was cutted short after a man appeared wearing a black coat he was running towards the child's hand which was sticking out of the rubbles. He was desperately digging the boy out in hoping to save his life and he succeed. He was holding what seems to be a scabbard a sword but it was no where to be seen. It was glowing with a golden aura and was entering the dying boy. Ritsuka woke up in cold sweat and was unable to go back to sleep. He couldn't get used to the dream cycle no matter how much he tried.

In the morning the young master walked into the cafeteria and was surprised to see some of the staff of chelda crying while eating their meals saying it was delicious or how they haven't eaten any good food in a long time. It was even more shocked to see Archer was the one cooking, Arturia and Jeanne was in another table eating while plates was piling up besides them. Mash waveing her hand inviting her senpai to join her with a smile. Ritsuka went to her table "Morning senpai, did you have a good sleep?" She asked. Ritsuka simply replied with a yes and smiled. Archer walks toward
Their table with two plates of food offering them to ritsuka and mash.

"Morning master" Archer said his greeting to his master with his usual cold tone but it sounded a bit more friendly.

Ritsuka looked at Archer with a confused and asked Archer "I didn't know you could cook Archer.

"I simply saw the kitchen empty so I asked the staff if I could use the kitchen and they agreed" he put the plate infront of ritsuka

"Thank you, Archer" he then looked around him and his attention was turned in the food infront of him which was the most delicious thing he ever tasted "This is delicious" he said in surprise

Archer can only let out a small smile but was covered immediately by his words "I am glad that it is to your liking , master"

After that Archer returned to the kitchen and was left alone. He looked around the room and he remembered a small girl sitting in front of a table waiting for something. Her skin and hair was as white as snow and her eyes was red. She looked at his direction with a bright smile and said on*-**** the word she said was blurred out. He couldn't remember what she said. Jean walked into the kitchen to return the plates but instead caught Archer day dreaming.

She saw Archer's face was full of grief and saddness as he was trying to remember something or someone that he has forgotten and she accidentally spoke out her mind "pour soul". Archer quickly returned back to reality and saw Jeanne standing there holding her plates "You can keep there I will wash them" he looked at ruler who was looking at him with the feeling of wanting to comfort her ally.

"Do you have any regrets in your life Archer?" She asked the man who was now standing infront of her. He picked up the plates and put them in the sink "No I don't. I lived my life to the fullest doing what I think was right" he said but their was a hint of saddness in his tone. Jean knowing that he doesn't want to talk about his past just said "I see. While Archer if you want to open up you can speak to me for I do not care either you commit a sin or not. Everyone deserves comfort" and smiled.

Archer had his back turned but his face was showing a grin "Then I will take you up on that offer when I feel like it". Arturia was walking toward the kitchen in hoping to get some more food but overheard the conversation. She felt like she has heard those words from somewhere before. Those words sounds like the ones he said, the person she was waiting for the sheath to her sword and the person she made a promise to.

After the cafeteria was clear out Archer decided to roam around for a bit to get to know the place around. While he was walking, he ran into Arturia who was also walking to past the time since their next mission won't come anytime soon. "Hello there Archer, Can I join in your little walk?" Archer couldn't help but teased the king of knights "well it would be my pleasure to have you join in my little adventure" He said in a sarcastic way. Arturia smiled a bit to his joke and starting walking with him. They talked for quite a bit about his cooking skills and a bit about her past. If anyone saw them they would have thought that they were quite the pair. Archer was listening to Arturia speaking his eyes was cold as ever but inside it was filled with nostalgia and a bit of saddness. Everything was going well when Arturia asked about his past or how he became a heroic spirit but Archer manage to the dodged the question with his question about why she answered ritsuka's call. She said "Because humanity was in danger and since this is also what he would have done" Archer frozed a bit and said "I see, That person must have been important to you for you to say that"

Arturia continued "Yes he is, he was a fool who would do anything to save someone but it is a pity since we had to part ways" Archer then said "I apologise it appears I have spoken out of line". Arturia shake her head "No it is alright but it appears that we have to cut our walk short for since it is time for my training with master" then they said their goodbyes. Archer looked at the back of the girl as she walked away and he said in a silent voice "After all this time you were still waiting even though we get to meet again like this" His voice was fill with regrets and saddness as if he had lost something important.

To be continued.

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