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My alarm went off
I rubbed my eyes and turned it off quickly
Kian wakes up too
We lay there for a little bit longer
Then I get a phone call
I answer
"Hello?" I say sleepily
"Hey I'm on my way over" Emma says
"Alright" I say and hangup

I toss my phone on the bed somewhere and look at kian. 

he wraps his arms around me and pulls me on top of him. 

I lay my head on his chest and we just lay there. he rubs his hands on my back 

I felt a kiss on my forehead and smile


the door bust open causing us to jump 

"what was y'all doing?" Oscar laughs "nothing" kian says. 

"mhm" "we weren't asshole" I say getting up 

"why are you up anyways?" kian ask "gotta tell y/n bye were all up" he says as the front doorbell rings 

 he shuts the door back as he leaves. 

kian gets up 

I stretch and kian wraps his arms around my waist from behind 

"I really dont want you to leave im not gonna have anyone to share my bed with" he whispers in my ear 

"you can hold a pillow" I say "its not you though" he says letting go of me. 

"I know but ill be back before you know it. I promise" I say 

I open the bedroom door and walk out and see Emma putting her stuff down by the door 

she comes up to me and hugs me "hi" "hey" I laugh 

"you ready?" "not really I dont wanna leave my boys" I say. she laughs a little 

"let me go change real quick" I say looking down at myself 

I walk back to kians room and he opens the door and walks out.

I shut the door behind me and change into some shorts and a black crop top 

I grab one of kians hoodies and pull it on 

it smelt like him. 

I smiled 

I opened the Door and walked out. 

I go into the bathroom and brush my hair and put it in 2 French braids 

I walk out and walk into the living room and see everyone waiting 

"alright" I sigh 

I hug Crawford first 

then Oscar "be safe" he says 

they leave and go back to there rooms and im guessing back to bed. 

I hug will "if you need me call me and be careful" he whispers in my ear and I nod 

I then hug jc "im gonna miss you please hurry back" jc laughs "I will and please stay out of trouble while im gone" I smile. 

"im supposed to get your car from the airport right?" jc ask "yes please" I say 

I walk over to kian 

he hugs me tightly "im sorry" I whisper "dont be. I understand just hurry back please" he says "I will" I say I look up at him "please dont do anything dumb while im gone" I laugh "I won't and please be safe" he says he lets go of me and Emma grabs her things and we walk out the door. 

kian and jc stand at the door as we get in 

I was about to get in the driver seat but kian came over to me and hugged me one last time I hugged him back and then got in my car. 

I pulled out and we waved to them as we left 

for some reason this time is harder leaving them 

I wiped the tear away from my cheek 

"whats wrong?" Emma ask 

"im gonna miss them" I say 

"its only a couple of months you'll be fine" Emma says. 

"you dont understand those people are my family. this is what I am till this day they've made me who I am. there my people." I smile 

"jc is my best friend Oscar and Crawford and the annoying ass brothers along with will and dyl. and franny and nezza are the sisters I never had and our whole friend group" I say as I drive 

"wow I didnt realize" she says "yea you wouldn't because you try to judge all of us before you get to know us" I laugh 

"you forgot kian" she says "Emma I love kian" I smile admitting it to myself 

"dont you love them all?" "yes of course I love them all but I love kian. I want kian but he dont want me and I have to accept that plus im leaving again soooo" I say 

she didnt say anything until we got to the airport 

"you excited to go back to London?"I ask as we get our stuff out of the car 

"not really I kinda like it here better" she smiles 

"ohh" Is all I said as I shut my door 

we walk into the airport and we get ready to board our flights 

"well I guess this is goodbye for a little bit ill miss you let me know what your in town again" I say and hug her 

she hugs me back and then pulls away "yea ill miss you too and ill definitely let you know so we can hangout again" she smiles a little. 

then we walk in our opposite directions to our gates. 

I sigh as I sit down in my seat on the plane 

now to Virginia I go...


well here ya go my loves. ill be updating soon I hope you enjoy this chapter!! <3

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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