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after everything was set up. with the question cards faced down and shots ready

I stand infront of the camera with franny....

"hey whats up guys its me franny" she starts the video "today im with the lovely y/n" she smiled and gestures to me. I do a little dance "whats up" I laugh "so todays video is something we've never done before, ive never done this on my channel we've never done anything like this. today were gonna take some shots of water" she says  "we love water" I say she tells whats in every shot

"so how you play is there is shots and every question you have to answer but you dont have to say the question. but if you dont then you take the shot" she explains "the special water" I laugh "yes very special water so y/n and I might get a little goofy tonight" franny dances "oh god im scared" "oh by the way Oscar and Crawford are behind the camera they came up with these questions" franny tells the camera. "yea these beautiful questions that franny and I have no clue what they say" I say

"im so excited" Oscar says. "your making me nervous" I say. "rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first" Crawford says. we play and i lose "shit" I say. "so this is the pineapple and special water?" I ask.  I pick up the question and read it "no" I say and close the paper. franny laughs "what?" she ask. "I hate that Oscar and Crawford will know the answers" franny says I  put the piece of paper in my bra and pick up the shot.i looked at the camera "Oscar guerra" I say and down the shot. "she said the full name and everything" franny says. franny picks up the paper and reads it "Demi lavato" she says. I look at her funny "I can read this one. its the worst celebrity experience with a celebrity" she says I picked up the next paper and read it. who have you fallen for in your friend group. I closed the paper and shoved it in my bra "Kian Lawley" I say. franny mouth flies open. I pick up the shot and drink it. "at this rate im going to be fuckedddddd" I laugh. I look and Oscar behind the camera "I hate you" and he smirks at  Crawford laughs. franny picks it up and reads hers. she puts the paper in her pocket "I dont even know how to answer that" she laughs "what?" I laugh she starts measuring something out. "what?!!!" I laugh. "like that big?" she says. "read it" I says. "how big do you think jc's downstairs area is" "that is not at all what I though" we all laugh.

I pick up the next paper and read it. I measure with my fingers like frann did "I dont know like this big?" I say and measure "what?" franny ask. Oscar and Crawford bust out laughing in the back "there loving this" franny says "oh yea there loving it" I say, I read the paper "measure with your fingers how big of a dildo you would buy" I say and franny and I laugh "ive never bought one before" I say 

"this is intense" franny says. "also Fran and I didnt intentionally match today" I say,

franny picks up the paper and reads it  "Crawford and jc" she says and drinks it.

after a few we got to the last 2. I pick it up and read it "nope" I say and close it. "that bad?" franny ask. "im not answering that" I say.

the front door opens and jc and kian walk in I put the paper in my bra. I pick up the shot "Kian Lawley" I say and take the shot he looks at me from behind the camera confused. franny answers her question and we end the video "I was nervous about you guys being here because you know the questions" I say. franny ends the videos I walk up to Crawford and Oscar "I hate you for those questions" I say "hey the last one was all Crawford" Oscar says and They laugh "What was that?" Jc ask "a video for frannys channel" I say I sit on the couch and Kian come and lays down with his head in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair "what's wrong?" He looks at me "nothing" "what happens to you guys staying at Ralph's parking lot" I ask "they kicked us out" jc says coming to sit on the couch. Oscar comes with a bowl of popcorn and Crawford comes and sits down to. Franny sits with us to. Kian had to sit up and I sat beside him and rested my head on his shoulder I had my feet up and his arm was between my knees.

We were mid way through the movie and my phone rang "you gonna be home tomorrow we need your help with a video" sam says on the other end. "Yea I'll be home soon" I say I hangup the phone and get off the couch I walk gather all my things I was in the kitchen when kian walks in "your leaving?" He whines I walk over to him and look him in the eyes "you wanna go home with me?" I ask. He smiled and nods he walks out of the kitchen I walk back into the living room. Kian comes out with a backpack and his car keys. "Where you going?" Jc ask. "Y/n's" "byeeee" franny says. We laugh and walk out the front door and head to my house

We get there and I get out of the car. I unlock the front door and Kian walks in behind me.

all the lights were turned off I shut the door and lock it. kian and I walk up the stairs to my room, kian jumps on my bed "dont break it" I say. he laughs I put on a oversized tshirt and some shorts and get in the bed

kian puts his arms around me and pulls me close. our faces are inches apart "y/n?" he whispers "hmm?" I ask. he didnt say anything after that... "goodnight kian" I whispered and kissed his cheek. I lay in his chest with his arms around me. I fall asleep

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