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"Mother fuckers." Mom stomps out of the court house, face all red and splotchy from crying. Dad follows her, hands in his pockets. Dad never did this unless he was utterly pissed or extremely disappointed. We all stand from the bench, and I search for Bailey behind them. But she's not there.

"Where's.." Josh walks up to mom, hands out. "Mom."

"Josh." She sniffs.

"Where's Bales?" Sam walks to dad, and he just shakes his head.

"Mom, where's Bailey?" Josh holds mom hands.

"The bastards. I-" she starts to hyperventilate.

"Karen, honey." Dad turns to mom, wrapping his arms around her.

"What's going on!" Sam finally snaps.

"Sam. Calm down." Dad shushes.

"Where's Bailey?" Josh asks again.

"She's still inside." Dad answers.

"He had no right to say that." Mom buried her face in dads shoulder. Josh turns to me, pain written on his face.

"Jake." Sam whispers. I turn to him and he points to my hands. I look down, and open my palms. Blood runs down from them, and I can't feel the pain. My body is numb. I didn't realize my hands were clenched to the point of bleeding.

"What can we do?" Josh turns back to mom.

"They said we don't have enough evidence." Mom lifts her head to look at us. I've never seen mom cry like this before. She loves Bailey like she's her own. And it's not fair.

"What did you say?" Josh looks at me. I look up from my hands, and I meet his stare. "Jake?"

"I said it's not fair." I look over to mom and dad, and I can tell they know what's about to happen.

"Jake!" Mom yells after me. I bolt up the court house steps, rage and determination coursing through me. If they think they don't have enough evidence, I'll give it to them.

"Sir!" A woman starts to stand from a desk, but  I March my way into the court room.

"Im telling you, we don't have enough!" The judge looks away from Bailey, and she spins around.

"Jake?" Her eyes are red from crying, and her fingers are picked raw. She needs to stop that.

"Young man. What on earth are you doing?" The judge starts to stand, but I make my way next to Bailey.

"Sir. If I may-" I start to speak, but the man cuts me off.

"This is a court of law! You can't just come in here-" He starts to point at me, but it's now my turn to interrupt.

"With all do respect, sir, you said you don't have enough evidence, but I can be a voice in her case." I step up closer to him, and the thoughts of saving her take over.

"Her parents abused her in a way that is easy to cover up. They hit her, threw things at her, and they did it where her clothes would cover. No one would have ever guessed she was being physically abused unless she showed them. Which she has." His face softens a little, and that's all I needed.

"Sir. This woman," I turn my head back to Bailey. "She is the strongest person I know. To watch her suffer through the hate, and absolute hell, is the hardest thing I've ever done." I turn back to him. "Not only was she physically abused, but mentally and emotionally." He raises his chin, as if he's silently telling me to go on.

"There was a time where she didn't talk to anyone. Not even her best friend, my brother. She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't sleep." I start thinking about all the times I've watched Bailey silently sit in the corner, staring off into space because she was too scared to talk. And I've helped her start eating again. I helped her understand she is deserving to eat. All of the moments I've watched her quietly struggle make my throat close. The more I speak the more I feel. And my voice starts to crack.

"She would blame herself for the lack of love and respect from her parents. That's not something a child should go through." I feel a hand slip into mine. I stop for a moment, feeling the warmth and the familiar touch. How her hand fits and molds perfectly into mine.

"Go on." The Judge nods.

"I've seen her body. Bruised, cut up, scratched, and even bloody." The judges eyes widen. "I've seen how her mentality on life has shifted." I feel her hand squeeze mine, and I turn my head to look down at her. Those green eyes, staring back into mine. The world stops for a minute. No amount of time, distance, or hate, could stop me from loving her. Never. Even if she had to leave, I would still hold her close to my heart and soul.

"She is the most deserving person of love." Her eyes soften, and her smile follows. And when she's smiles, I know. I know it's time. "I love her." I smile. "I love her." I repeat, but quietly, only for her ears. I look back up to the judge. "And so does my family. They, including me, are willing and wanting to get her away from her parents. For good. And we are able to provide for her every need. So. I can assure you, we won't go down quietly. I've stayed silent enough. I won't anymore."

The judge stares me down, silently thinking over everything I've said.

"Jake." She whispers. I turn and look at her, her green eyes glassy.

"Alright." The judge stands. "I will talk with you." He looks down at her. "And you." He holds his finger up. "Thank you for speaking up." The side of his mouth turns up, smirking as a way to tell me he's proud. "Now. Young man, what is your name?"

"Uhh... uhm.." suddenly I remember I'm standing in a court room in front of a legal judge. "Jacob Thomas Kiszka.. sir..."

"Well. Jacob," he nods. "I think it's time for you to be excused." He sits back down, never taking his eyes off of me. I nod, and start walking my way out.

"Jake." I feel her hand grab my arm, spinning me around. Her other hand grabs my face, and she pulls me in. Even though it was short and sweet, the kiss gave me the most hope I've had in a while.

"I love you." I whisper, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you." She whispers back. The judge clears his throat, and I look behind her, only to be met with impatient eyes.

"I'll meet you outside." I smile.

"Okay." She nods.

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