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Josh looks at Bailey as she strides away. He looks back and me.

"Go." I say. He takes off running after her.

"What was that about?" Mom asks.

"I don't know." I sigh. "I think stuff is going down at her place. She talks about how bad it is there, but I couldn't tell you exactly." I look down at Copper and he just wags his tail. "What's wrong with Bailey, Copper?" I pet his head and his ears perk up. "Do you know who Bailey is?" As soon as her name leave my mouth he takes off running towards Josh and Bailey. "Copper!" I yell after him.

"She's a tough girl. You know that." Mom answered.

"I know." I look up at her and she smirks. "What?"

"Nothing." She giggles. "It's just, I've noticed you two getting along more and more. Know any reason behind that?" She grins.

"Mom." I roll my eyes.

"Alright alright. Dinner is almost ready, make sure they know." She walks back inside. I should find them.

"Copper!" I yell walking through the trail. "Copper?" I hear leaf's rustling and I look over and Copper pops out. "Hey boy! Where's Josh?" He just sits. "Bailey?" His ears perk up again. "Where's Bailey?" He barks and takes off running again, this time I follow. He runs past the shack, and down towards the creek. I look down the slope and see Bailey and Josh talking.

"Josh." She sighs running her hand over her face.

"Bales, I'm telling you, you can't be there anymore!" He shouted.

"Josh! I know! But I can't do anything!" Her voice starts to brake. "Do you think I want to live with people who beat me? Who treat me as if I wasn't a person? Dad is always throwing shit at me and telling me everything is fucked up because of me! And when I try and talk to mom about it, she just rolls her eyes and doesn't do anything! I've tried and I'm past done trying. After high school I'm out of there." She huffs.

"Where are you going to go?" Josh grunted.

"I don't know!" She roared.

"Stay with us." Josh sighs and Bailey looks away. "You know mom would let you. Your basically her adopted child anyways."

"What about Jake?" She asked. What about me? "He acts like he can't stand to be in a room with me most of the time. And I know I get on his nerves. He wouldn't want me to stay." She sits on the ground and tucks in on herself. Josh looks up to the sky and sees me. He just stares and I point from me to her.

"I'll be back. Stay here." Josh says. Bailey just sits and doesn't move. Josh climbs up the slope and stops in front of me.

"I don't hate her." I whisper. "I've learned to tolerate her. But even if I couldn't, I would never say no to her getting out of the hell hole she's in now." He nods. "I do care for her." I muttered. His eyes widen and he grins.

"I think you two make a great pair." He chuckles.

"Josh." I blink back at him. My face turns red just thinking of me and her together.

"Go talk to her. She listens to you. No idea why." He walks away. I look back down to where she is and she's staring. I mentally prepare myself and I climb down. Copper follows and runs over and licks Bailey's face.

"Hey boy." She croaks.

"You doing okay?" I ask. She just looks at me.

"I'm going to assume you heard." She sighs.

"Yeah." I answer. She shakes her head. "I'm glad that I did though." She looks back at me again. "I can finally clear things up with you." She sits up straighter. "I don't hate you." I state. "I've never hated you." Her eyes widen. "You were always my brothers annoying friend." Her face drops. "But now, your my annoying friend." She slowly nods. "I wouldn't mind you staying with us as long as you were out of that shitty place you call home. It's not fair to you." I kneel down in front of her.

"Where you have your flaws just as anyone else does, you are one of the most amazing beings I have ever met. Your vibrant and your creative. Your funny and way to smart for your own good. Your stubborn and tenacious, which does drives me insane, but it makes you, you." She softly smiles and I feel my heart race. "Bailey, you truly light up every room you walk into." I take a deep breath. "I care for you. And because I do, I never want to see you suffer they way you have living with your parents. I want you to stay with us. Where you'll be safe and surrounded by love. And love that you deserve." I look down at my hands feeling shaky. Why do I talk so much? Did I say the right thing?

*Bailey POV*

"I care for you. And because I do, I never want to see you suffer they way you have living with your parents. I want you to stay with us. Where you'll be safe and surrounded by love. And love that you deserve." He finishes and looks down. This boy. I hated that he always knew the right things to say. Without thinking, I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck. I've never hugged him, and it wasn't much of a hug, but it felt right. Touching him always felt right. Even the small touches, like our fingers brushing as we passed things to each other. With Jake, everything felt right.

*Jake POV*

Her arms are wrapped around my neck. This is it. I've been dying to know what it felt like to hug her. I wrap my arms around her waist and stand up. Squeezing her back I feel her sigh. And not the usual sigh, but the good one. The one people did when they walked into their home after a long day. The one people did when they finished a really good book. I didn't want this to end. She fit perfectly in my embrace, and I never wanted to let go. But the moment ended when she pulled away. She kept her hands on my shoulder, and I didn't want to lose the touch so I kept my hands on her waist. She stared into my soul with her glowing emerald eyes. Her red hair falling around her face perfectly. She smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you." She whispered. She leans in and kisses my cheek. I feel my body erupt with sparks. She pulls away again, this time removing herself out of my arms completely. I look down.

"Bales-" Im quickly interrupted.

"Hey! You two! Dinner is ready!" We turn and look up the slope and see Josh waving us up. I look at her and her face is red. She peeks her eyes over at me and blushes even more. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. Watching her do that set me into a trance.

"We better go." She giggles.

"Uhm. Yeah, yeah." I clear my throat and look away. I was so close. I was mere moments away from telling her. I just wanted to tell her.

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