411 11 4

"You can't just push me into the fucking water Jake!" She stomps away, throwing her towel over her shoulder.

"I thought you were okay with it!" Of course, i stomp after her.

"You know I can't swim!" She spins around, throwing her arms out.

"I know that! That's why I jumped in right after you!" I snap back.

"That doesn't matter! You know I don't know how to swim, and you know that it embarrasses me!" The towel falls off her shoulder, but she doesn't seem fazed. "They all laughed at me!"

"We all laugh at each other!" Its now my turn to throw my hands up. "That's what friends do! If it was Josh, or Sam, or only one else, we would be fucking laughing! And then we would check on them! Which is what they did!"

"What ever!" She huffs and storms off, leaving her towel behind. I watch as she leaves, not only pissed at her, but pissed at myself.

"Well. That didn't go well." Sam tsks behind me. I turn around and see them standing there, shocked looks on their faces.

"No shit." I pick the towel up, shaking all the dirt and sand away.

"I didn't know she couldn't swim." Josh looks past me, following Bailey with his eyes. "If she would have spoken up, we wouldn't have done that."

"It was my fault. I knew she couldn't swim. I just thought.." I shake my head. God. I'm such an idiot.

"Thought what?" Sam asks.

"She's gotten better with swimming. I thought she would be fine if we tossed her in. She seemed okay." I sigh.

"I thought so too. She was laughing as we picked her up and everything." Sam looks at Josh, who just nods.

"I do think though, we all need to apologize." Josh answers.

"Well I tried that, and look at where it got me." I scoff. She's so tenacious, and it's always either for a good reason or for a bad. And her temper flares up just as quick as mine.

"We are gonna clean this up, and you go talk to her." Josh turns to our bags on the beach, but then turns his head back around to look at me. "And i mean it. Talk. Don't yell, don't pout. Listen to what she has to say, understand her, and calmly talk it out. Even if she yells."

"I will." I nod, turning back to the cabin. As I'm walking away I hear Josh and Sam.

"Why do we have to clean it up?" Sam groans.

"Just shut up." Josh answers, along with a grunt of pain from Sam.

I walk back into the cabin, feeling the coolness from the air conditioning. But that isn't what gives me goosebumps. Our door to our room is cracked open, not to much to be called open, but just enough to show me what's inside. And it's what I see that makes my skin tingle.

Her hair is wavy, still wet from the water. Her skin glows from the sun, making the freckles more apparent. Her long legs barely covered from the white cotton shirt she's thrown on. She turns and I see that it's just on top of her shoulders, not buttoned. Her chest hides behind the edges, but her sternum and toned stomach are visible. And her dark maroon panties contrast her white skin better than anything else ever has. She looks...

The floor creaks, and I know my cover is blown. She turns around, looking at me through the crack of the door.

"What?" She crosses her arms in front, hiding me away from seeing her. I push the door open, only to close it behind me.

"Don't do that." I say.

"What?" She asks. I step closer to her, and I watch as her eyes rake up my body. I gently grab her wrists, pulling her arms down and away from her.

"Don't hide yourself from me." I whisper close her ear. I can actually see the goosebumps rise on her skin, and the tips of her ears become pink. I lean my head back, looking at her sun kissed face. "Never hide your body from me. Got it?" Her throat bobs, but she nods her head. "Words baby."

"Okay." She answers. I bring her hands to my face, and kiss the insides of her wrists. I place her hands on my shoulders, just needing to hold her. To touch her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It won't happen again." I slide my hands down to her hips, pulling her close, kissing the top of her head. I feel her sigh, and she drops her head to my chest.

"I'm sorry for getting mad. I shouldn't have yelled at you." She mumbles into my neck, sending chills from her breath hitting my skin. She lifts her head, and holds the side of my face in her hand. I send her a smile, and get a beautiful one in return.

"Jake? Bales?" Josh knocks on the door. Baileys eyes go wide, and we both remember she's half naked.

"Just a minute!" I yell. "Put some clothes on, and I'll wait for you out there. They want to talk to you." I kiss her cheek, and leave the room.

Josh waits in the kitchen, along with Sam, so sits legs crossed on the counter.

"So. How did it go?" Sam smirks at me.

"We talked." I answer, grabbing a drink.

"That's not what it looked like from the window." Sam chuckles.

"What?" I spin around and look at him. "What do you mean from the window?"

"Oh boy." Josh sighs, placing his hand over his face.

"We saw you two getting close. Are you sure there was just talking." Sam takes a bite out of his ice cream, making my body fill with rage. I step up to him, grabbing it out of his hands, throwing it into the sink. "Dude!"

"If you ever fucking look at her through a window again, I will not hesitate to stomp your ass. And you better have not seen anything." I glare him down, and his face freezes.

"He didn't see anything. All he saw was you two hugging, or what ever it was." Josh speaks.

"I promise. I didn't see anything." Sam gulps.

"What's going on?" Bailey steps into the room, confused.

"Nothing." I take a step back from Sam, but I don't take my eyes away from his.

"Alright.." she walks over to get a glass, and she looks over into the sink. "Why is there an ice cream cone in the.."

"It's bad." Sam coughs. "Bad uhm... bad ice cream." He sends a awkward smile at her.

"Okay then.." she turns back around. I look over at Josh, and he can barely hold a laugh in. I send him a glare, which makes him stand a little straighter.

"Uhm." He coughs, getting Baileys attention. "We're sorry for laughing. We didn't know you couldn't swim."

"Yeah, we're sorry Bales." Sam looks down, obviously feeling guilty.

"It's alright." She sighs. "I should have said something, and I shouldn't have snapped. I'm sorry too." They all nod, making a silent agreement.

"Well. I guess no more throwing people in the water." Sam chuckles.

"Oh no. You are definitely getting your ass chucked in." I smirk at Sam.

"For sure." Josh agrees.

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