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I let out a huge sigh as I flop down on my bed. Jesus. I hear knocking at my door.

"Jake?" It's mom. I roll over and look at her. "Oh. Not a good day?" She asks.

"Eh. It wasn't too bad. Just exhausting." I grunt and sit up.

"Well. Why don't you come with me?" Mom asks. I nod and get up to follow her. She leads us to the kitchen and I see candles on the counter.

"What are those for?" I ask. She looks up at me confused.

"What do you mean? Baileys birthday." She giggles.

"What?" I yell.

"Her birthday is tomorrow." She says. "Did you forget?" I rub the back of my neck embarrassed. "Jake. You've only known the girl for how long now? See eight? No. Nine? Nine years?"

"I guess it just slipped my mind." I mumble.

"Well. At least you have a little time to get her something." She smiles.

"Not really." I say. She gives me a look. "I don't know what to get her mom. I'm not friends with her."

"Well that's going to change." She answers.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She's going to be staying with us this summer. Isn't that great!" She throws her arms up and grins.

"Oh no." I groan.

"Oh come on now." She throws a towel and it hits me in the face. I toss it back on the counter and look at her. "This will be great way for you two to finally get along." She giggles.

"Yay." I dead pan. She rolls her eyes and I hear Josh and Bailey laughing as they walk inside. I quickly walk to the garage to start setting up for practice.

I get everything hooked up, and now I just have to wait for everyone else to show up. Becoming bored, I pick up my guitar and start strumming.

"That sounds pretty." I look up and see Bailey leaning against the doorway.

"Thanks." I say.

"Did you make it?" She asks. I nod. "Cool." I continue playing and she sits across from me. "Can you teach me?" She asks. I stop playing and look up at her.

"Teach you?" I ask. She nods. "You don't know how to play?" She shakes her head.

"Nope." She gets up and grabs the other guitar. She pulls the strap over her head and sits next to me. I look at her. I've never seen her this close up before. Bright green eyes, wavy red hair that frames her face, freckles, perfect shaped lips... What am I doing?! I clear my throat.

"Uhm." I shift around so she can see my hands better. "Alright. Basics. This is A." I watch as she tries to match my fingers. "No. Down a fret." She tries again. "No." I say. Her eyebrows furrow together and she tries again. "Nope. A fret. Down a fret." She frowns and huffs. "Here." I lean over and place her fingers where they need to be. Her fingers are cold, but soft. Jake! Focus! Once her fingers are in the right spot and she looks up at me and smiles. "Now, this is A Minor." I show her, and she places her fingers correctly. "Good. Now, this is C." She follows all the way through the scale, and I'm impressed. "Now, try and play the notes all together." She nods and I watch as she concentrates on where her fingers go.

She's putting two notes together and strumming a little song when Josh, Sam and Danny walk in.

"Bailey!" Sam yells. She looks up at him and smiles.

"Hi Sam!" She giggles. I suddenly feel heat rush to my cheeks. What the hell. "Hiya Danny!" Danny waves at her.

"Whatcha doin Bailes?" Josh asks sitting next to her.

"Jake was teaching me some notes. I thought, in case he dies someone should be his replacement." She grins and looks at me.

"Never." I smirk. She giggles and stands up, taking the guitar off and putting back.

"Well. You guys get started. I'm going to go grab my sketch pad and everything." She runs out of the garage and Sam taps my shoulder.

"Teaching her huh?" He smirks. "So when we're you guys able to be in the same room, let alone sit next to each other?" Sam chuckles.

"I guess today. You should have seen them in class. I thought they were going to kill each other." Josh laughs.

"Alright, alright. Let's get going." I say standing up to take my spot.

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