Black Coffee

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"Have a nice day."

"Thanks, you too."

Alex walked back to their car, sinking into the seat and tilting their head back.

"That's not what you ordered."

"FUCK!" Alex jumped, nearly spilling the hot coffee they just got all over themselves. "Lucifer, don't scare me like that!"

"You ordered a caramel macchiato. That right there is black coffee."

Alex frowned at the devil who had made his body an almost fully see through fog that covered the bottom of the back seat. He had the interesting ability of being able to manipulate his form and what he looked like, he avoided being invisible because of how much it seemed to unsettle Alex and they had only seen his human form a few times. Alex assumed that was because he didn't like how much him appearing human "humanized" him. They hadn't had the nerve to ask him yet but they had their guesses. Lucifer seemed to be uncomfortable whenever he was treated like a human, not some beast and probably didn't want to encourage the way Alex saw him as a normal friend.

Too bad that wasn't going to change no matter what he tried.

"It doesn't matter." Alex pressed the start button on their car. It was up to their generation to undo the damage that had been done to the planet so far. While this might seem like an impossible challenge Alex liked to take it one step at a time, like electric cars for example.

"It does. That's not what you ordered."

"It's fine."

"Just tell them they got it wrong."

"No really it's fine I love black coffee so much." To further prove their point Alex grabbed the coffee and drank a sip of it.

Problem was it was hot coffee.

Very hot.

Alex dropped the coffee in surprise, the black fog instantly becoming solid and darting out to grab the coffee before it spilled onto their lap.

"Ow..." Lucifer gently placed the coffee into the cup holder. A cool feeling washed over Alex, the uncomfortable sensation of a burnt tongue fading away.

"Sometimes you confuse me, Alex."

They cast a questioning glance at Lucifer and started to pull out of the parking lot.

"One day you can be digitally waging war on strangers and you can flip off politicians to their face but you can't do something as simple as telling someone that they messed up your order."

"You make it sound weird when you say it like that."

"It IS weird."

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