Chapter 9: Moonlight

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It was the week of Passage and every one was in a stir. Most of my classmates were getting their farewell parties geared around. While I had my fair share to go to, I wasn't holding one of my own. I was too anxious for my audition to worry about being obsessed with a party. My audition was all I could think about. I had increased the amount of time I practiced every day, almost to the point of tripling it. My mind was never far away from my music.

This is nice.

I thought as I touched an elegant white fabric. It was a soft cotton, almost as if silk could imitate cotton.

"May I help you with something?" A friendly clerk asked me.

"Um. I'm just looking for a dress to wear to Passage."

She nodded in understanding.

"If I need help, I'll come ask. I don't know what I want yet."

"Okay. I'll be right over here." She pointed to a rack of fitting room returns.

I continued to study the white dress in front of me.

I bet the fabric would hang just right for my body.

I pulled the pleated skirt apart to feel the texture of the fabric. It was a knee length dress, halter top style. It was empire waisted, with a decorative knot at the center.

Simplistic, easy.

Just what I'm looking for.

It had been a boring evening. No one was able to come with me, and solo shopping was never high on my top-ten-best-nights list.

"I'm ready to check out." I said to the clerk. After the quick transaction, my stomach growled.

I'm only a little hungry.

Nothing really sounds good.





I was reading the names off of the café court restaurants.





Taco Hut?

That'll work.

I took a seat a little away from everyone else when I had gotten my food. I knew I could review my music again when I was alone. I pulled the battered papers out of my hand bag. The paper was worn soft from over use.

I reviewed the pitches in my head as I ate my dinner. I studied the foreign words, recommitting them to memory for the five hundredth time. I was so deep in thought, I jumped clear out of my seat when a familiar male voice called my name.


I gasped, almost inhaling a piece of lettuce. "yes?" I said coughing.

"Its me, Vin. I'm so sorry I scared you."

I took a deep breath through my nose to help settle my heart rate. I smiled despite my annoyance.

"Its okay, I was just reviewing my audition piece. How are you?"

"I'm as good as always. What are you auditioning for?"

"Music scholarship. I want to go to finishing school on the east coast."

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