Chapter 6: Lucky Night

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The reception hall was a two story building on school grounds. It was often the center for conferences, speeches, debates, and basically anything that needed a gathering spot. The double entrance doors where propped open into a dark hallway lit by color changing, fiber optic roses.

It's a fiber-optic Garden of Eden.

The only person I humored with my dull sarcasm was myself. At least, I can make myself laugh.

The long hallway led into the gathering hall. It was also decorated with a little over indulgence. The only decent light was dim moon placed on the far side of the hall. Ultra thin light screens, which looked more like fabric than a screen, hung high above our heads in the ceiling rafters. They played a night scene with slow moving clouds hiding speckles of stars. Occasionally, a shooting star would streak brightly across the "sky." Panels of fiber optic flowers glittered against L.E.D. rivers and bushes. Hidden floor speaks reenacted sounds of babbling brooks.


Now I really do wish I had a date.

Several people were already on the make-shift patio in the center of the room, twirling and swaying slowly to the music. I could pick out Madds and Randy, dancing far too close for a first date.


I feel like a fish out of water.

I didn't want to be a wall hugger, so I made my way to the refreshment stand, though I wasn't hungry. Anything they served wouldn't compare to the remarkable meal I had this evening anyway. I'd be lucky if the punch was even drinkable at this point. The table was adorned with bouquets of fresh roses set in between trays of finger foods... including cookies. I can never resist a cookie. I reached for a napkin.

"Love in Bloom?" I said out loud.

Seriously? A little over the top? Just a little?

I think so.

Its just Passage.

Why do we need a dance to mark growing up?

Silly traditions.

Everybody grows up.

I picked through the cookies, looking for one that appeared to be untouched. More than anything I was trying to avoid looking pathetic. It was still early. I made my way to the punch bowl. Rumors used to fly around how adolescents would pour some sort of alcohol into the punch as a practical joke.

Those are just stories.

Things made up to scare us.

Alcohol has been outlawed for so many years, I don't even think any knows where to get the stuff.

Alcohol was as illegal today as cocaine or heroine had been in the histories we read. Our leaders committed to the safety and longevity of our world, so many thing have been outlawed that were once considered acceptable. They are now just lessons in a history book.

I mindlessly fingered the clear plastic ladle floating the red liquid, stirring the punch into a tiny whirlpool.

"Would you like me to pour some of the for you?"

I froze. I would know that voice anywhere.


"Uh... n-no. Thank you. I changed my mind."

Stammering again?

My inner self rolled its eyes.

"Then do you mind if I?" He gestured toward the ladle I was still holding.

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