Chapter 10 - Falling

Start from the beginning

On the third day, he was inching towards the Hospital Wing again, when a voice called him. "Severus! Are you here to see Katherine too?" Damn it, he thought, turning his head to see Lupin walking towards him. "I heard about what happened from Dumbledore."

The black-haired man put on his usual scowl, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "No, I'm just passing by. What gave you that ridiculous idea?" he snapped.

"Alright, alright. So why have you been hovering outside for the past five minutes?" Lupin asked with a smirk, realising that the Potions Master probably cared about Katherine but didn't want to admit it.

"I was simply... wondering if Poppy needed more potions for her stores," lied Severus. "I'll be off now." He began to walk away slowly, hoping that Lupin would go inside without another glance at him. To his dismay, the man was still staring at him. "Why are you watching me so intently? This is none of your business!"

Lupin took a few steps towards Severus. "You like her, don't you?"

Severus halted to glare back at him. "Stop. Being. Ridiculous. If it hasn't escaped your notice, that woman fancies you."

"I never said anything about fancying, Severus," said Lupin, his smile stretching even wider. "Is there anything you need to tell me- or rather, her?"

"Do you ever listen, you imbecile?" he hissed, growing frustrated. It felt as if Lupin was flaunting the fact that Katherine liked him. "It's none of your business. Then again, you love meddling in other people's business, don't you? I'd expect no less from someone of Potter's little gang. Look where you all ended up! I have no idea what she sees in you, Lupin, you're just a spineless beast." He was taken aback at his own words, realising their weight.

The insult hit Lupin and his smile disappeared instantly. "Is that all you see me as, a beast?" he mumbled, shaking his head sadly. "I know you still hate me for what happened, but after hearing that you'd switched sides and you were willing to brew Wolfsbane for me, I thought you'd at least... understand. Given we have similar experiences."

Severus straightened, his lips forming a thin line. "You... you're mistaken."

"I apologise. You may leave now, I didn't mean to offend you." He approached the door.

In a heartbeat, Lupin's robes were gripped from behind. "I... never said... I hated you," Severus made out slowly, almost regretting his words. What are you doing? he thought to himself, Why didn't you leave, you moron!

Lupin's amber eyes widened as Severus continued on. "I didn't mean what I said just then. I only hated that you were... part of them. Contrary to your beliefs, I do... understand." Just as he had been influenced into joining his friends' bullying, Severus had been obliged to join the Dark Lord because all his friends did, hoping to find value or power in what they did. They had both been neglected throughout childhood and sought acceptance above all — Lupin had been sheltered due to his condition, while Severus had been abused. Yet in the end, they both blamed themselves for the misfortunes they caused. 

After processing his words, Lupin placed a hand on Severus' shoulder. "We don't have to suffer alone anymore."

"Hang on!" Severus growled, "Just because I don't hate you doesn't mean I'm willing to be friends!"

Amused, he replied, "All in due time, Severus. So... you coming or not?"

"Fine, but this wasn't my idea."

The two entered the infirmary, approaching the curtained bed that was Katherine's. Lupin slid open the curtain, only to be met by a high-pitched scream. The only thing they saw was her bare back before Madam Pomfrey shoved them out. "Ever heard of giving a warning before coming in?"

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