raised, friend, lover

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Trauma raised me.
Killing was my best friend.
And loneliness is my lover.

Anastasia pov

I took care and checked Caitlin with Henry, "are you sure you're okay?" I asked again.

"I'm fine Ana," she sighed, and at that moment Cisco walked in with Barry and Iris.

"Caitlin?" Barry asked.

"She's in shock.
A little dehydrated and malnourished, but I think she'll be fine." Henry said

"I'm okay," Caitlin confirmed.

"What happened?
How did you get away?" Barry kneeled to her level.

"He... Let me go.
I didn't think he would; I thought it was a trap.
But... He told me you were dead." Caitlin answered.

"I'm not.
I'm right here.
We're all here,
together." Barry smiled.

Jay's not here.
You're safe." Harry tried to relax her.

"He's gonna overrun the city. You can't stop him." Caitlin said quickly.

"Yes, we can.
Listen to me, he's not going to succeed.
We've got this.
This is our earth." Barry smiled again, is he on drugs?

"You don't know that.
You don't know what he is capable of." Caitlin cried.

"I know from being in the speed force that the universe is with us, not zoom.
And if the universe is with us, how could we possibly lose?
Right, guys?" Barry asked.

yeah, right." Jesse said quickly as she nodded.

"You've been through a lot.
You should get some rest, Ana."  Barry asked me and I walked to Caitlin's side ready to take her home.

(FUN FACT OF THE DAY Ana means please in Hebrew which means Barry used a pun)

"You were in the speed force?" Caitlin asked.

"I...When you were gone.
It's hard to explain, but we tried to get his powers back, and when the dark matter
lightning..." I kept explaining as we walked to the recovery room

"So how did you know?" Barry asked.

"Your real identity?" Dr. McGee asked.

"Yeah," Barry confirmed.

"Come on, Barry, I'm a scientist.
We're paid to be perceptive.
And you're always a little too well informed when things go pear-shaped in this city.
But I don't believe we've ever met before.
Dr. Christina McGee." Dr. McGee introduced herself to Henry.

"Doctor Henry Allen.
I'm Barry's father." Henry shook her hand.

"Okay, now that the cat's out of the bag, did you happen to see who it was that caused your building to collapse?" Barry asked.

"I didn't see anything.
It happened so fast." Dr. McGee said.

"Maybe the security cameras caught something?" Caitlin suggested.

"Can we access them?" Henry asked.

"Mercury labs do have a crash-survivable memory unit." Dr. McGee answered.

"A what?" Henry asked.

"Virtually a black box for buildings.
It's meant to survive crashes like there is one on every ship, but they are water-survivable in case the ship sinks." I explained.

"It will have stored all the security footage
right up until the building collapsed." Dr. McGee added.

"Okay, great, I'll go find it," Barry said. "This wasn't some random meta-human.
Whenever Mercury labs have been targeted in the past, there's always been a specific reason."

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