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Anastasia pov

Caitlin and I walked into the cortex with new information, not helpful information but Barry wanted to know every reason that might be the reason he's slower than Zoom and the reverse flash.

"After running some comparative data, it appears that you, Reverse-Flash, and Zoom are moving your legs at essentially the same speed," Caitlin said as I put an illustration of Barry Zoom and the reverse flash.

"Then why are they so much faster than him?" Cisco asked.

"Best I can tell, with each stride their feet spend less time on the ground, thus propelling them forward much faster," I answered.

"By almost 30%. Great." Barry sighed. "All right, well, I got to make up that difference somehow."

Look, after what that monster did, I want to stop Jay just as badly as you do...
But what if the reason you haven't been able to run as fast as him yet
is that you just can't?" Caitlin asked.

"You mean the "old" Harrison Wells?
As in Eobard Thawne?
Do You want him to teach you how to run faster?
Oh, that's rich.
How are you gonna do that?" Cisco was excited.

"By running back to a time last year," Barry answered.

"And what about the other you, the one from that other timeline?" I asked.

'I'll knock him out with something.
I mean, he's not like he'll see me coming,
and then I'll have Wells teach me." Barry said.

"Barry, that's crazy." Caitlin sighed.

"Nothing I've read is pointing me towards a solution, and if there's anybody that's figured out the key to getting faster
without V-9, it's him.
What do you guys think?" Barry asked.

"Your plan is asinine," Harry said from the door of the cortex.

"Did you find Jesse?" Cisco asked.

"Does it look like I found Jesse?
How many times have you traveled through time?" Harry asked.

"A few," Barry answered.

"Do you have any idea how many things you could screw up?" Harry asked.

"All I need is one conversation with Dr. Wells," Barry said.

"He's not Wells." Harry and I said together. "I'm Wells! This man has been studying you for 15 years... for 15 years... and you don't think he's gonna know who you are?" Harry was pissed.

"Barry's pretty good at impersonating himself.
You should've seen him over there on Earth-2.
I was like, "Somebody gets this man an Oscar.". " Cisco whispered to Caitlin.

"He will know, Allen. He will know."

"All right, then what am I supposed to do?
I mean, how am I supposed to stop Zoom?
Do you know the answer to this equation?" Barry asked.

"If Thawne figures out that it's you, the timeline will be altered.
People can die.
Others could live, and no one will know
who or what will be affected, but I promise you,
when you come back, things will be different.
And only you will know what those differences are." Harry sighed.

"Well, if that's what I have to do to stop Zoom, then so be it, because if I don't, and Zoom gets my speed before I learn how to stop him, everybody I care about, everybody in this whole city...
their world will never be the same anyway." Barry replied.

Harry left disappointed.

"Do you think you can do this?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah, I do.
When I went back last year, and I saw my mom die, it didn't affect the timeline."

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