on our happy way to earth-2

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Anastasia pov

"...Got a C in the gym," Barry said as I walked in.

"D+," Caitlin said.

" Straight up F, right here," Cisco added.

"I got A+ in sport," I announced.

"What? Not fair." Cisco whined.

"Well, it doesn't matter because we closed all the breaches." Caitlin smiled.

"All except a one.
Our last way to earth-2." Barry sighed.

"Ready?" Asked Harry, and we all turned to him.

"Yeah, I just have a few things to take care of," Barry said and looked at me.
I opened my jacket to show four daggers and two guns, "I have some more." I smiled.

"Just a reminder, Allen, the clock is ticking."

"It always is," Barry replied.

"Alright, barry, Ana, Cisco, listen to me you're about to go through the looking glass you're going to see things that look and feel familiar but they're not; up is down, black is white, and do not let yourself get sucked in emotionally.
Good luck." Garrick stated.

"Look, if we're not back in 48 hours, that means that Zoom has us; if that happens, you have to close the breach," I said.

"We're not gonna do that," Caitlin said angrily

"You get yourself back here in one piece, all right?
Don't make me come and get you." Joe said to Barry, and they hugged.

"No." Barry smiled

"I wrote this for my parents and Dante. If I don't come back, make sure he gets them." Cisco told Caitlin.

"Cisco, you're coming back," Caitlin assured him.

"Caitlin, please."

"Okay, I will."

"Thank you." They hugged.

"Be careful," Caitlin told Barry as she hugged him as well.


And it was my turn for a hug from Caitlin, "Don't you dare to die on me."

"You too, Harry."


"I hope you get your daughter back," Joe said to Harry

"I'll make sure you get your son back."

Harry sighed. "You don't have to do this," Harry told Barry.

"Yeah, I do."

"Does anyone else feel panic right now?" Cisco asked as we walked closer to the breach. "I chickened out a Bungee jump when I was 18, but this is categorically a lot scarier."

"Once I turn the speed cannon on, the three of you will be able to pass through unharmed, but Barry, you need to make
Sure, you keep your speed up," Garrick stated.


"I--I got no spit," Cisco told us

"Jaws," I said as I recognized the reference.

"I'm not just quoting, "Jaws." I mean, my mouth is dry right now." Cisco announced

"Do not get distracted by anything you see along the way," Garrick told us

"What are we gonna see?" Cisco asked.


"Do it, Jay," Barry ordered.

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