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they're scars for a reason,
they don't hurt anymore
but they're there to remind you
of all the things you lived through.
the moments that almost killed you
and ones that made you who you
are. stay strong.

r. m. drake

This chapter is kind of emotional, beware

Anastasia pov

"You really shouldn't be running around," I told Stein as we walked to the basement.

"I know dear, I know," he smiled, damn you old man.

"it's not a pet, Cisco," Caitlin said as we walked in.

"No, it's a wormhole," Stein said.

"Professor Stein, what are you doing?
Your blood pressure is 147 over 82; you could pass out again!" Caitlin said as she walked closer to us.

"It's nearly a few points above the 140 average for someone my age.
Besides, I have a few ideas I'd like to contribute to this discussion: Dr snow." Stein replied.

"I tried to keep him in the room, but even Natalia was less stubborn than this old man." I smiled, and Garrick looked at me weirdly.

"And I would like to hear your ideas, professor; it isn't just a wormhole... it's my way home."

"Back to earth two." Caitlin agreed.

"Jay, do you think we can use this as some sort of bridge from your world to ours?" Asked Barry.

"Zoom uses the breaches. Why can't we?"

"Well, for starters, we don't know how," I said.

"She's right; everything I throw just bounces back." Cisco agreed.

"If zoom is using the breaches to transport people from earth two maybe it takes a speedster?" Barry hypothesized and ran away.

"He's not gonna..."

"Yeah, he is."

Barry ran into the breach and fell back.

"глупый спидстер." (Silly speedster.) I laughed.

"Maybe I'm not fast enough," Barry suggested.

"I don't believe your speed is entirely the issue Barry it might be the breach of stability or the lack of it," Stein said as Garrick helped Barry up.

"He's right we need to think of the breach as a door and on earth two there is another door and in between, we have a hallway, but the hallway is constantly shifting twisting collapsing upon itself." Garrick started.

"And the doors are moving with it." Barry continued.

"So, we stabilize the door, we stabilize the hallway." Cisco finished.

"And then I can jump through it." Barry smiled.

"Exactly it will serve as a kind of canon, a speed canon," Garrick added.

"Hmm, we should hang out more," Cisco said.

"Alright, no more tests today, all of you are leaving now, as am I,
Cherish the gift of youth as I will go Cherish my must-needed nap.
Clarissa is already on her way to pick me up." Stein said as he left.

"Alright, five Flashes," Barry said as he put the cups on the table and I took out a small bottle of tequila and poured some into mine. "Be careful they are super caffeinated." He added and I took a sip as iris looked at the tequila bottle. "Forst I have a day named after me, now I have a drink," Barry added.

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