never letting go

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You see her when you close your eyes
Maybe one day you'll understand why
Everything you touch surely dies.

Let her go.

Anastasia pov

She's alive.
She's alive.
She's alive.
She has to be...
I mean how can she die?
Why must everything I touch die?
Is it me?


"Yes?" I asked ad I opened the door.
Cisco stood in front of me. "Ana, you've been in your home for a week now, Barry wants to get his speed back through a dangerous procedure and we need your help.
What do you say?
how about coming back to the real world?" Cisco asked me.

"So how does this work?" Iris asked as I walked into the breach room.

"It's an abbreviated version of the accelerator evil Wells built, except Harry is isolating the antimatter and dark energy to direct it to Barry instead of the entire city," Cisco explained and I got to work with Cisco and Harry.

"Good. The last thing we need is more meta-humans running around Central City." Joe said.

"So... Barry just gets in, we turn it on, and that's it?" Iris asked.

No. Not exactly.
In addition to recreating what happened with the particle accelerator explosion, we also have to recreate what happened to Barry." Harry explained.

"Getting struck by lightning," Barry confirmed.

"That's right," I said.

"Wait, so how are you gonna do that?
It's not even raining outside." Iris asked.

"Well, Ramon, you have the wand?" Harry asked.

"The one I made for Mark Mardon?" Cisco asked.

"No, the one you built for the Harry Potter convention.
Yes, of course, the one you built for Mardon." Harry sighed.

"How do you know about the Harry Potter convention?" Cisco asked.

"Get the wand. Get on the roof." I ordered.

"Why the roof?" Joe asked.

"Because we're gonna need a lightning rod, and that, Ramon, is gonna be you," Harry answered for me.

"All right, I'm on the roof.
I've never actually been up here before.
I think I can see my apartment from here." Cisco said through the comm.

"Now head straight to the satellite, Ramon.
When I give you the signal, you're gonna create a lightning storm above you." Harry said.

"So I'm just supposed to stand here in the middle of a lightning storm?" Cisco asked.

The chances of being struck are slim, indeed." Harry smiled.

"Yeah, not when you're the one causing it." I smiled.

"All we need is one lightning bolt to strike the satellite.
The satellite circuitry's connected to the breach room.
Barry's in the breach room. Just do it." Harry ordered.

"Yeah. I'm doing it.
Mozart, you better watch out.
Cisco Ramon's about to conduct something nasty." Cisco said.

"You're gonna feel these clamps, but they're necessary," Harry told Barry, who in the meantime got in place.

"You good?" Joe asked.

"Yeah. You?
I'll be fine, Joe." Barry sighed after a moment of silence from Joe.

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