let go of yourself

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Did you ever lie in a pool of your blood?
The hot blood covering you is simply the best feeling you could have.
Yet it's never close to death.

Anastasia pov

I stood next to the turtle's body, with Caitlin by my side.

"So I'm here to do post-mortem?" I asked.

"Basically," Caitlin sighed.

I lost my balance and fell. "Sorry, I'm fine." My vision got blurry and I held the table.

"Ana... are you okay?" Caitlin asked.

"I am, don't worry," I said and started.

I took of my gloves and threw them away.

"...Ana, she hasn't been herself today," Caitlin said as I walked in.

"He died because someone turned on the power dampener, it was very painful," I said. "And I know how to take care of myself," I said and walked out.

"Are you okay Barr?" Joe asked.

"I'm good, it's just a lot."

"Eddie died, so Eobard should have been erased out of existence, right?" Joe asked.

"Not necessarily," Harry said. "It's possible that Eobard was in the speed force, protecting him like a bomb shelter, keeping him alive in this timeline it's known as timeline remnant."

"A what now?" Joe asked.

"Here, let me show you," Harry said as he walked to the board and drew a circle, "this, this is now, here, today, this is the time thawne come from, this is the moment you all erased him from existence.
But since Thawne is from the future this is where his timeline begins.
That's why he's still alive.
This Thawne has not yet traveled back in time to kill Barry's mother, he's here now, in this time for the first time, timeline remnant." Harry explained.

"Explains why nothing has changed," Cisco said.

"Yeah, it also explains why he didn't know my name," Barry added, "or that we have met before."

"For him, you hadn't, not until the future," I said

"If Thawne dies before he can time travel again will that save Barry's mother?" Joe asked.

"No, it's not how it works, in our timeline Barry's mother is already dead, her death is a fixed point nothing can fix that." Harry closed the marker.

"Alright, I'm gonna end this, him, in this time, once and for all," Barry stated.

"Let's find Dr. McGee then we'll figure out what to do about Thawne," Joe said. "I gotta go check on Iris." And with that, he left.

"Ramon." Harry signaled Cisco to come with him.

Caitlin started to talk about Garrick dying.

I couldn't listen.

"Dr. McGee is dead?" Caitlin asked.

"Harry and I were trying to work with my powers to find Zoom, and then we ended up using them to find the reverse flash and that's when I saw him kill her..." Cisco said sadly. "And then he left...."

"He left?
What do you mean he left?" Barry asked.

"McGee built him some kind of speed machine and he ran into UT and got back to the future."

the flash and the black widow: WEAPON Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu