turn me to the dark side

235 8 2

Who would you turn to the dark side to?
Is it your love?
Your children?

Anastasia pov

Christmas, again.
I hate this time.
My love died.
My life stopped moving.
Yet life started to move when Barry waltzed into our lives.
It was a change.
One I liked for once.

"...keep safe," Garrick said as I walked into the room with Cisco.

"Oh dear lord, just kiss already. The thirst is real." Cisco sighed.

"Is everything alright?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah, I keep checking, but all is quiet on the meta-human front.
Hey, you think Zoom decided to take Christmas off?" Cisco said asked.

"What's Christmas?" Garrick asked.

"Oh, well it's this holiday we have where we cut down trees and sing songs to celebrate the birth of a baby 2,000 years ago, and the Romans killed him so we give each other gifts,"

"That's your explanation?" Cisco asked.

"I know what Christmas is."

"Oh right, of course.
You know, Joe and Barry and Iris are having people over for Christmas Eve, and they said we could invite whoever we want."

"Who... Who do you want?" Garrick asked.

"You, I want to invite you, I mean."

"This is so painful. Have you guys seen Harry?" Cisco asked.

"No, I have not. I told him to rest.
He's just as stubborn as the rest of my male patients in this place." Caitlin said as Cisco left the cortex.

"I'm gonna leave the three of you alone, okay? I'm gonna go find Harry." Cisco said just as Harry walked into the cortex, "holy Hanna.
Hey." Cisco said.

"Hey," Harry replied.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

Why wouldn't it be?" Harry asked.

"Oh, oh, oh yeah, weather wizard, captain cold, and the trickster." Cisco sighed.

"There are three of them and one of you. I do not like those odds," Caitlin added, and I offered her my vodka, which she declined.

"And I'm gonna be no help without my speed, so..."

"Oh, oh, oh, light bulb, up here, I have an idea.
Most weather phenomena are marked, no pun intended; by the change of electric charge and pressure in the atmosphere, we could just map out those fluctuations..." Cisco started

"To pinpoint his location." Barry continued.

"Right, it would just be a matter of removing all..." Cisco added.

"The electricity from his immediate surroundings." Cisco and Barry said together, did Barry time travel again?

"Attracting it to one spot.
The same way a lightning rod does." Cisco added, "only instead of the lightning rod we could use..."

"A wand?" Barry asked.

"Have you already had this conversation?" I asked as I opened another bottle of vodka.

"Kind of..." barry answered.

"What does that mean?" Harry asked

"Alright, so the last time Mardon attacked, he, um, generated a tidal wave that destroyed all of Central City," Barry said.

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