Chapter 2

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Thank you if you are still reading on, I appreciate it! I had to muddle a bit of the following year in with this one but I'm trying to follow J.K Rowling's origional story line as much as possible! I'm already getting excited about this story and it hasn't even started properly yet. Please keep reading, things are going to get good soon...

Thank you and love you all! X


Juina looked out of the window as she sat on the Hogwarts Express. As the train slowly started to move away from the station, she saw her mother wave frantically at her, holding her silk scarf over her face, hiding her tears. Ju couldn't help but laugh slightly at how ridiculous her mum looked as Trixie's parents tried to comfort her, but their figures were gradually fading.

"I'm not even kidding Trixie! I am on a Honeydukes diet." Juina jumped at Scarlet's voice as it filled the almost empty cabin.

"Okay then, but I bet you're not going to keep this one up! Remember the fruit diet? Oh and the carb diet? But either way, I'm going to sit here and eat these peppermint toads in front of you."

Ju laughed harder at her friends squabbling but then the compartment door slid open and a pale, striking face appeared at the door. Malfoy stood, leaning on the oak frame, a black suit draped over his broad shoulders and muscular frame. The first thing Ju noticed was how much Draco had changed since last year. What was she thinking? Of course she didn't find him attractive - at least, she didn't think so.

"You look like you've seen a ghost Anna Martin - or are you drowning in my presence? I have to say, you look... different, more appealing." Draco murmured from his gritted teeth. For a split second, Ju thought he made eye contact with her as a small smirk crawled upon his face. Suddenly, her curiosity faded and turned to anger as she realised he was staring her bare legs as they were positioned elegantly on the cabin seat.

She subconsciously pulled her low cut dress down, covering as much skin as possible.

"Don't flatter yourself Malfoy, not everyone has an ego the size of Gringotts." Scarlet retorted. Ju jumped as she realised she had not responded to Malfoy's remark but instead was glancing at his defined jaw line. Draco tensed abruptly. He didn't reply, instead glanced at Ju one last time then turned swiftly out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Trixie looked at the man that had just left the compartment, an adored expression covered her face, her mouth slightly parted in awe. Ju finally decided to break the three girls' silence. "Well, he's changed." Those were the only words leaving her mouth. Scarlet snorted in agreement and the relaxed atmosphere slowly eased back into place. Juina knew that she had to stop thinking about the presence of Draco Malfoy during the remainder of train journey but all thoughts were lost when the food trolly came into sight.

A considerable amount of time passed and after drinking a large amount of Pumpkin Juice as well as scoffing a bag of sherbet lemons, Ju thought it was time to make the dreaded walk to the trains bathroom. It was also about time to change into her robes and join her fellow Ravenclaw students. She grabbed her belongings and ventured into the corridor, swaying slightly with the train.

"Ouch!" Ju exclaimed as something bumped into her. She looked around frantically but no one was there. She remained standing, rooted to the spot where she had collided with something, someone, but then decided to move on. No other weird events were taking place so Juina decided that she was just tierd. Possibly jetlagged?

When Ju had pulled on her robes in the toilets, located on the other side of the train, a frizzy haired girl and ginger boy came face to face with her. The neutral atmosphere soon turned sour as Juina realised who they where and turned abruptly away from them. Harry Potter's closest friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, glanced at Ju with an apologetic look as she fled in the oposite direction. She couldn't talk to them. Not now. Not this soon after Cedric's death.

Fleeing from the scene behind her, Ju had not realised she had walked into the compartments usually occupied the Slytherin students. A bang caught Juina off guard and a thick black smoke enveloped her in darkness. Muffled screams filled the cabins and corridor, the sounds of doors sliding in panic made Ju wave her hands around in caution. Hands grabbed for one another's robes as the smoke gradually cleared.

"I wish I had grabbed for someone else now I see you Juina." Her heart fell to the pit of her stomach as she realised who her hands were holding. Her tight fist was grasped on the loose robes covering Draco Malfoy's shoulder.

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