Chapter Six - Dress Smart

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Over the next week or so the dust started to settle and you got back into a new routine, one without Bucky. You still hadn't spoken to him much but he was no longer locked in his room, the pair of you just avoided being alone together.

You did the same with Nat, who still shot you the odd glance or grin across the table, despite you constantly replying with a frown or ignoring her completely. The events of that day in training were still on your mind, however, and you were confused and frustrated at how you felt.

Returning your thoughts back to the meeting room, you glanced across at Nat again who was very much focussed on the images projected onto the wall in front of you all. Tony was talking through an upcoming mission with you, Nat, Steve and Sam.

"So as I said, Steve and Nat you'll go undercover as an English couple that Mitrokov has arranged to meet. Sam and Y/n, you're there as back up stationed on the roof and watching over their car and then on call once they're inside." Tony finished, before turning to look around the room with a smile.

"Do we know why Mitrokov is meeting this couple? What are their names again?" Steve said, clearly confused still.

"Sam and Rita Owenson. We don't know much about them except that they're married and wealthy - oil business I believe." Tony began, pulling up some information onto the board, however the pictures were missing. "No photo ID for them, but we know Mitrokov hasn't met them before so we can be safe in assuming he won't know what they look like either. Obviously Steve you'll be Sam, dress up nice and smart."

"And me?" Nat said with an amused look on her face.

"You always dress smart Agent Romanoff, just do what you always do but in a British accent for Rita." Tony joked.

"And this is a detainment op, right?" Steve asked, flicking through the papers in front of him on the table.

"As such. Fury wants to question him about potential HYDRA links so get in, charm him over dinner, and then we set up the groundwork to detain him later in the week." He said, this was met with a round of nods from the table as it was clear everyone understood the brief.

"Sounds good to me. I'm going to get ready, what time we leaving?." Sam said with a smile as he got up, and he was soon followed by everyone else.

"Wheels up at 4pm, you have just a couple hours to prepare for this one - read up fast!" Tony replied.

With that everyone nodded and began to leave the room. Steve and Nat chatted on the way out, engrossed in the details of the mission. You couldn't help but glance at Nat as she left the room.

After the meeting you headed to Sam's room to talk over the logistics of your roles, both of you were dressed ready to go and there was only about 30 minutes until you left.

"You definitely wont need those Sam.." You said while laughing at him, holding up a pair of swimming trunks as he sorted a duffel bag of clothes to take.

"Okay, fine!" He said laughing back, pretending to be sad about it. As he finished there was a loud, fast knock at the door and the pair of you turned around.

In to the room walked Steve and Nat, both looking serious but Nat had a small smile on her lips.

"Cap, Nat, we leaving now?" Sam said, frowning at them both.

"No, but there has been a change of plan. I need to get right to the chase, we don't have much time. It turns out Sam Owenson is actually Samantha Owenson, making it pretty tricky for me to go undercover as her." Steve said, at the same time you noticed Nat was watching you. "Our only option here is for us to switch Y/n. You'll need to go undercover with Nat on this one."

There was a slight pause as he finished where nobody really knew what to say. Nat's mouth had curved into a small smile and now you knew why - what Steve was proposing is the two of you pretending to be a couple. Sam glanced at you, noticing your hesitation.

"You sure the dress won't fit Rogers?" He joked, an attempt to break the tension. Steve shook his head and smiled at this, before glancing back up at you.

"I know this is not ideal, and if you don't think you can do it then that's fine. But you're the only one who knows the mission brief well, and you're one of our best field agents Y/n." He said calmly, still looking at you for a response.

You didn't know what to feel. The situation frustrated you and Nat's gaze unnerved you slightly. But at the end of the day this was your job and there really was no other option.

"It's OK, I can do it." You said, looking back at Steve. "But if you'll excuse me I'll need to change out of this for dinner."

As you said this you left the room, not stopping to glance at anyone on the way out. Your heart was beating slightly quicker than usual and you felt nervous, this was not going to be as easy as other undercover missions.

You got changed into heels, a classy black dress, put some earrings in and curled your hair down until it sat on your shoulders. Adding some make up and a necklace, you were happy you could pass as a British billionaire - just.

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