Chapter Four - My Turn

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- A Week Later -

You left Wanda's room the next day and returned to your own. Bucky's stuff was still lying around but you shoved it to the side or into wardrobes to hide it away for now. Since you spoke on the phone you hadn't spoken to him again, just the odd glance across the room at each other. Word had gotten out and most of the team had shown you their support in some way, and due to this Bucky spent most of his time in his room at the moment. You were thankful for this because it meant you were much less likely to see him. You hadn't seen much of Nat either, but this was not unusual as her, Tony, Maria and Steve were always busy in meetings and on missions.

You and Wanda were currently chatting as you walked down to the training room to meet Clint for your usual afternoon practice session.

"He better go easy on us, I'm still sore from yesterdays training." Wanda said jokingly, holding open the door to the gym for you to walk through.

"Agreed!" You said, turning to look at her as you walked backwards through it. "It really wa-... what?" You said, as you noticed her suddenly frown and look past you to the boxing ring.

You turned around to see Nat was standing with Clint in the ring. They both looked up at you and Wanda, Clint smiling and waving whilst Nat's eyes fell on you and stayed there.

"Morning!" Clint said cheerily as the two of you stood just outside the ring. "Would either of you mind if Nat joined us today? She was hoping for a bit of extra practice?"

Nat's eyes sharpened on you, waiting for a response. You held her gaze for a moment until Wanda spoke and broke the tension.

"Actually, I don't think that's-..." She began to say.

"It's fine, thanks Wanda. But we're all adults." You said, looking away from Nat and back to Clint with a forced smile.

The truth was that it was an awkward situation, but you knew you'd have to get past it somehow. Nat continued to watch you, her gaze making you nervous and desperate to know what she was thinking about. Again, she looked good. Her hair back and in her body suit, ready for combat.

"Great, thank you Y/n. Why don't me and you start off then?" He said with a kind smile, you returned one with a nod and picked up a pair of sparring gloves.

Nat's gaze did not leave you as she said nothing and carefully slipped back out of the ring to stand beside Wanda, both of them with their arms folded. You knew Wanda wasn't too fond of Nat given everything that had happened, but if you can find a way to get on with it you knew she would do the same.

You and Clint started off slowly with some light sparring, and as you warmed up the both of you sharpened up and took turns getting the best of each other. It felt good to train, you liked the exercise and it helped you channel your emotions into something physical.

Totally engrossed in the fight, you barely heard Wanda call time, just after you landed a jab to Clint's shoulder. The pair of you stopped to catch your breath and smiled at each other, he put his hand out to shake yours.

"Not bad, partner." He said with a smile.

"Back at you, I almost had you for a moment there." You replied jokingly.

"A moment? There were at least 3 points there I thought I was done for. Well done kid."

"Not a kid, Barton. For the millionth time." You rolled your eyes at him as you took a drink of water from your bottle. He just chuckled at this as he stepped out of the ring.

Nat and Wanda hadn't said a word to each other, both of them had stood watching so quietly you had almost forgotten they were there. That was, until Nat stepped forwards and picked up a pair of gloves.

"My turn." She said, confidently.

Wanda looked at you with a frown, as did Clint. Your heart started to beat a little quicker again as you figured out how you felt about that.

"Nat, I don't think that's a good..." Clint began to say.

"I think it's a great idea." She interrupted calmly. "What better time to practice managing raw emotions in combat?"

Clint paused as he listened, it was clear he thought she had a point. He looked at you again, his eyes narrowed as if to ask you what you thought.

"It's fine." You said, looking down at the ground. "She's right."

At this, Nat slowly stepped into the ring and stood facing you. Her arms were by her side, and she looked at you attentively, waiting for you to make a move. Clint stood where Nat had, as him and Wanda watched on uncomfortably.

Your heart was beating quickly now, as you stood face to face with the Black Widow. Her gaze unnerved you once more, as her green eyes pierced your own. You felt nervous, nervous to be around her, in the ring with her, to look at her.

As if she could sense this, Nat made the first move, swinging one leg up towards the side of your head. You blocked this with your forearm, before going for a jab to her chest. However, before you could land the punch she had brought up her standing leg and kicked you in the stomach, forcing you to take a couple of steps backwards.

She stood back again, waiting for you. She was impossible to read. What was she thinking, what was she going to do, was she enjoying this somehow?

This time you stepped forwards so as to feint a jab, before stepping backwards to catch her off balance, but she saw right through this. You then went for her front leg which she blocked.

You could feel yourself becoming more and more frustrated with every blocked hit, and every failed movement. You wanted so desperately to land a hit, to knock her back.

Inevitable (Nat x Y/n)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें