Chapter Two - Wait

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"You're freaking me out Wands - what's wrong?" You said concerned, sitting next to Wanda on the cold metal stairs. She'd closed the door behind the two of you and the stairwell you were sitting in was silent and echoed slightly.

"I don't know the best way to put it." She said, her head bowed and looking down at the ground. "But I went up to my room to change out of these shoes, and when I came back along the corridor I saw Bucky, and Nat."

She paused to glance up at you at this point, her face wincing at what was about to come. You could already tell where this was going and your stomach began to twist at the thought, but you wanted to hear it all so you just frowned back at her. She sighed softly before continuing, and placed her hand on top of yours.

"They were coming out of his room, Bucky had his hand on her waist, and they were... they just seemed very friendly." She said, looking up at you finally, with sympathy in her eyes.

You paused as you took in what she'd said, the frown not leaving your face as you looked down at the floor now. Wanda squeezed your hand gently and you could feel her looking at you.

"I'm so sorry y/n. I hate being the one to tell you but I have to." She said softly.

"No, thank you. I appreciate it." You said, still staring at the floor.

"Are you ok?" She asked softly.

You hesitated before replying to her. The truth was that you didn't know how you felt. At first your heart sunk and you felt like you could cry, but now you felt a surge of anger at both of them for making you feel this way. Part of you wanted it to be a misunderstanding, or a big practical joke, but you knew in your heart it was true. The glances Nat had been giving you all night were starting to add up, and suddenly Bucky feeling 'too tired' after saying he would come made sense.

"I feel angry Wanda." You said truthfully. "I don't think I want to see either of them right now, I can't."

You turned to her as you said this, with tears forming in your eyes and she nodded and squeezed your hand.

"Here." She said, placing a set of keys in your hand. "Take these stairs up to our room and you can stay over tonight, or until you figure it out. Vis can take the sofa and we can chat about this later on."

You smiled at her, then pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you Wanda, I really appreciate it." You pulled away from her and she smiled apologetically at you, before wiping away a tear from your cheek. She nodded at you as you turned and made your way up the steps, and she returned through the door to the party.

As you made your way up the stairs on your own, tears began to fall down your cheeks. You felt betrayed and embarrassed, but more than either of those you were angry. You were angry at both of them and at yourself, for not figuring it out or even being suspicious.

Just as your thoughts consumed you, your phone buzzed in your pocket and you pulled it out to see a text from Bucky:

'Hey babe. How is the party? Missing you x'

The message made your stomach turn again, you couldn't even think about replying right now so you locked your phone again and just put it back in your pocket.

You continued up to the floor you and Wanda both stayed on, and glanced along the corridor to check nobody was still about before walking carefully to Wanda's door and placing the key in the lock. As you opened the door you caught a glimpse of somebody turning the corner at the other end of the corridor and you looked up to see Nat, who had also just looked up in your direction.

"Wait." She said sternly. This confused you, but you just frowned in her direction and walked through the door anyway, closing and locking it behind you.

What could she possibly have to say to me right now?

You stood just inside of the door, with your back leaning against it and hung your head slightly, letting out a deep sigh. Much to your surprise, seconds later you heard a soft voice on the other side of the door behind you.

"I know you heard me." Came Nat's voice quietly and calmly. "Just let me know when you're ready to talk."

Ready to talk! Talk about what?! You're not talking your way out of this one Natasha.

This was followed by footsteps back along the corridor and you let out another sigh as she was out of earshot. Her comment filled you with anger and you wanted nothing more than to chase after her and shout her down in the corridor but the tears in your eyes and the pain in your chest told you just to go to bed.

You didn't reply to Bucky or talk to anybody else before, eventually, your body grew so exhausted from the emotions that you fell asleep. You slept all the way through until the morning, not even waking up when Wanda joined you in the bed.

Inevitable (Nat x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now